@bigcloud_it Thanks for the update, the 1080 should be capable of handling DP and DP XD however, where I was able to export successfully with my 1050 and 1050Ti, both in desktop systems and somewhat less powerful that you 1080, other laptop users with a 1050Ti were not!
Edit:- But your situation is reversed!?
This problem manifested itself with export times becoming very long, at a guess DxPL was treating the cards normally in the acceleration options I showed above but seemed to default to “CPU only” when it came to the actual export!
However, yours may or may not be a manifestation of the same fault so can you upload a suitable image with the DOP so we can give it a try.?
What was the error message you received because I have not seen reports of error messages before!?
Contact DxO customer support to make sure that you have covered all bases!
Possible (??) related topics are
and there is another one where the latest graphics drivers made a difference.
Are any of these problems related, probably!/?
Are they related to your problem, that is way more difficult to answer!