I’m using DxO PureRaw 3 together with the old “folder based” Lightroom and am well pleased with the results I get ; I drag and drop CR2 & CR3 files into DxO PureRaw and use the software to generate DNG versions which I then import into Lightroom for any further editing needed .
Recently however – and has only occurred I think only since a recent DxO update – the DNGs when imported into Lightroom show the process version as “2003” rather than “2012 (current)” which is the version I always use.
The problem with this is that the Lightroom sliders for 2003 version are quite different to those for “2012 (current)” and are unfamiliar to me, so before doing any other editing I therefore firstly need to change the process verion to “2012 (current)” in Lightroom.
This is not exactly a difficult process but obviously if there is any setting I can adjust to avoid this step in my workflow being necessary it would be preferable.
However I cannot see any relevant DxO settings that I can adjust.
So does anyone know of any way I can get DxO Pure Raw 3 to import the DNGs into Lightroom as “2012 (current)” process version ?
All DxO products are unaware of the “process version” information which is a Lightroom only thing. If the DNG files are imported with a specific process version information, it’s certainly because this information previously existed for the affected files (either because a DNG file having the same name was already handled/cataloged in LR OR because there’s an XMP file containing this information OR some similar reason). Maybe your DNG was exported with the original RAW file (last option in the DPR panel) ?
Otherwise, the DNG would be imported by default with the current (most recent) process version.
Just a guess but I don’t see any other reason for this to occur.
I get what you’re saying regarding the process version only being a Lightroom thing, however this issue is only happening for DNGs generated by DxOPureRaw 3, and which are all new .CR2 & .CR3 files which I have dragged and dropped into DxO PureRaw via Windows 10 - i.e. none of these files have been previously processed or catalogued in LR at that stage of my workflow
To further clarify my workflow, CR3 files cannot be imported into my (old) version of Lightroom so I can only import into LR the DNG versions generated by DxO PureRaw 3.
The .CR2 files from my older cameras can however be imported into LR - and I do indeed import those separately into LR as a backup - but again, I only make DNG versions from the .CR2 files via DxO PureRaw 3.
Having said that, when this issue started I did then try (as an experiment) importing a few .CR2s directly into LR directly - and found that when I did so they were imported as process version “2012 (current)” whereas DNGs generated via DxO PureRaw 3 from the .CR2 files dragged & dropped into DxO PureRaw 3 when imported into LR were processed as 2003 version.
This is what has led me to think that it is something caused by DxO PureRaw 3 rather than LR.
But I had been using this same workflow for months previously with both .CR2 & .CR3 files without the issue occurring, so as I recalled there had been a recent DxO PureRaw 3. update applied, I suspected that the update had caused the changed behaviour.
And regarding the possibility of a file having a previously used file name this certainly can’t be the case with the .CR3 files (from a Canon R7) which are all consecutively numbered in camera and so are all uniquely named ; similarly most (if not all) .CR2s from my older cameras also have unique names.
So if you’re certain nothing in DxO can be causing the issue I can only think that maybe I have accidentally somehow altered a setting in LR.
But in that case, then when I imported .CR2s directly into LR they would have also been imported as 2003 process but they weren’t, so I’m still puzzled about the whole issue.
Yes this does indeed seem to be the same issue ; so maybe we will see a solution in a subsequent update then.
I could try rolling back to an earlier version in the meantime (but as it’s easy enough to change each batch of files to the correct process version I may not bother)
I had a look at your files. They where correctly imported in my version of Lightroom but this doesn’t mean anything because I’m using the latest.
There’s something I need to know, though. You said above that you import the DNG into LR. But how do you proceed ? You basically have 3 choices when processing your image in DPR :
Proceed and get the DNG from the target directory.
Export to Lightroom (Classic)
Export to Photoshop
These choices are not equivalent. With option #2 and #3 some XMP information is added to the DNG metadata. A default Adobe profile is used in these cases.
I had a look at my archives and I noticed that the process version “2003” can only appear when targeting Lightroom version 1 or 2 which was merely using the Adobe Camera RAW plugin available with the Photoshop version which was current in 2007/2008.
Did you inadvertently export to Photoshop from DPR ?
In this case, I noticed that the process version number displayed in ACR when loading the image in Photoshop is apparently the one corresponding to the version of Photoshop/ACR which was current when the image was shot. Very strange.
Which means : what is your installed version of Photoshop ?
If both your versions of LR and PS are that old, I’m afraid that similar problems will appear more often when using a much more recent product (DPR 4) which may make some wrong assumptions about the Adobe products you are using or even abandon support for these products.
Another (more simplistic) idea : could it be that you recently modified your Lightroom default import preset ? What is happening when you directly import an image not processed by DPR ?
The ProcessVersion info is created upon import in LR, not before (unless the file was already handled by LR or PS and an XMP file having the same name exists).
If nothing special is done, the process version is by default the most recent.
It can be changed either by manually changing it OR by applying a preset including the “Calibration” setting where the Process Version was set to a version older than the current one.
I don’t see any other way to change the Process Version number in the catalog and in the XMP companion file.
So, you should check what default preset is currently applied upon import into LR and if it is a custom preset, open it and edit it OR recreate it while making sure that the current process version is set correctly in the current development settings.
Custom presets are stored as XMP files in C:\Users[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings (Windows) or in /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CameraRaw/Settings (Mac).
Thanks for taking the time and trouble to investigate this issue for me.
I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re asking me here - but when DxO has processed the DNGs it automatically opens up the LR import dialogue which I use to import the DNGs into LR ; my version of LR being v6.14 (the latest version available other than by an ongoing subscription)
I also just tried importing directly from within LR the 2 files copies I just shared and again these were imported as 2003 process version.
I only occasionally use a standalone version of Photoshop CS2 for editing but not as part of my regular workflow, so no, I don’t export files into Photoshop, and I don’t use ACR.
I hope the above has answered the points you were querying ?
(P.S. I’ve just found your subsequent message so will reply again when I have studied and understood the further advice you have sent)
OK. So, I don’t see any other explanation than the process version number being set by the default import preset in Lightroom or by a preset that you would apply after the import.
I have never knowingly set any custom preset ; and having navigated to the folder you’ve specified the only file therein is a file named “Index_195COAEA3FE933D6.dat” which has modified date of 19 July last year - which well predates the start of this issue.
So I don’t appear to have any such .XMP companion file.
I have put a screen grab into the shared folder ; also one of my catalog metadata settings.
Does this clarify the issue at all for you ?
I guess I could try resetting all settings in develop mode - but understandably am reluctant to do so in case this causes me problems elsewhere.
As I said earlier all I need to do when importing a batch of pictures is select “settings” / “update to current process” to rectify the problem.
Have you see the information in the thread posted into my thread by “stuck” ?
In particular see the 5 Jun text from Kevin Whitehouse where Adobe have apparently acknowledged they are using wrong version numbering scheme for process version ?
I have totally overseen this post and I didn’t get the notification in my mailbox. Sorry. Yes, it’s probably the cause of your problem. But if this bug has not been fixed in DPR 3 by now, since DPR 4 has been released, I’m afraid it will never be.