Upgrade price

My email said an upgrade to PL2 could be had “Starting at $49.99” but the link shows $69.99. I have the Elite edition – is that why the upgrade is not $49?

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I never got an email, but the upgrade cost me $69 USD.

the Essential is 49$ USD, the Elite is 69$ USD

Essential is 129USD / 99.99USD or 49$ USD upgrade
ELITE Edition 199USD / 149.99USD or 69$ USD upgrade

Ok thanks. It didn’t really dawn on me until later that “starting at $49” meant for the Essential Edition.


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Any new features that are specific for Elite owners? Or why is it that users of PL Elite have to pay more for the upgrade?


Clearview Plus should be in the Elite version only. If its in both versions then Elite owners appear to be getting nothing new more than the non Elite users. If Clearview Plus isn’t in the non-Elite program why would any existing non Elite owner upgrade to the non Elite PL2. Other then rudimentary file search functionality it offers absolutely nothing new. I think we all expected a whole lot more than we got. Frankly my expectations were not high to begin with, but I was still very surprised by the almost total lack of new or enhanced functionally. Perhaps they needed to get this version out quickly for some business reason and we will get some functional enhancements in dribs and drabs when the 2.1 or 2.2 version is released, but I’m not holding my breath. I’m concerned that we will be told that there were a lot of under the cover bugs fixes, but that will just not be good enough. I hope we are offered some explanation. I think PhotoLab Elite is still superior to its competition in a number of significant ways, but those other packages are updating and adding features at far greater rate than PhotoLab and I fear that DXO PhotoLab will end of losing not gaining market share as a result. They need to dazzle us. You don’t remain competitive by adding a couple of features in a major release.


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That’s the same I wanted to ask. In my email it was said 49,99 €, but when I log in and start the upgrade it does not show me 49,99 or 69,99, only the full price.

Perhaps you clicked on the wrong link by accident?

Same here: mail says “from 49,99€”, account says 69,99€ for the elite upgrade. Marketing adding disappointment and frustration as usual while trying to attract customers.

Also even though I start at the German website as soon as I login and navigate to the store I get random English and French pages. This release and site refresh was rushed. Not a good sign.

MWSILVERS, no, I did not click wrong. I can confirm what Calle says: Yesterday, when I tried to upgrade, I landed on a french site and later on an english one and there was no offer like in the mail. Today I try the same and get to a german site, where I see the introductory offer. So I’m going to try my luck again now.

I confirm the language mismatch.

And for 70EUR we should get much more improvements, fixes…

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I was successful now and could order and download the new version for the correct price. Finally the page says: “You will receive an email for confirmation” (in my language). I store these emails like a bill. But no email arrived. I think there is somewhere Mr. Bug sitting behind this page and is laughing on me.

I tried and it was showing full price because I wasn’t logged in, once login confirmed it showed the reduction price.
Agree with others that why Elite paying more for this upgrade if its the same update applied to Essential, nothing extravaganda for an extra money if its not specific to Elite.

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Yes. THIS is not cool at all :-1:
@sgospodarenko Let us know if we missed a difference between Essential/Elite in this update, thank you.

Previously Clearview was only in the Elite version. Is Clearview Plus now in both?


You right, its part of Elite

Thank you for remembering us.
My apologies, I forgot that point.

Well, I did pay 69 € to upgrade to PL2 and support DXO right now.
But do not think I will do the same next year if there are no improvement in the core of the software -better quality, better speed, better user interface and integration of NIK collection, etc- according to the user’s wishes.
Please improve your communication in both directions and learn from all the comments you are receiving right now on the forum.
Wishing us all the best :crossed_fingers:

THIS is exactly what should be addressed before adding more functionalities… exceptif you wanna be the new LR :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:



Supporting is all very well, in times of trouble for DXO.

But if DXO is just aiming for a quick cash grab from existing user base, not clever;
DXO should support users, too, with meaningful improvements as a RAW photo editor

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I bought PhotoLab in June, and was supposed to pay again 69€ for an upgrade, presented as major by DxO, but most customers differ. As a long time (7 years) returning customer, I asked for a rebate. An unfriendly person from DxO refused abruptly : “you are not forced to upgrade” was her main argument… Much disappointed for such a non commercial attitude, I decided not to upgrade and to invest in other competitors products. Goodbye DxO !


i had the same answer.

So i suggested to devide the 69,- by 12 , months, each month you owned the pl1.2 wil ad 69/12=5,75
So june is 4 months is 4x5,75=23euro’s

would you find that fee acceptable?

I would.