PLEASE ! Creation of Panoramas Needed!

hello everyone,

This topic has been around for a long time: when will DXO allow you to merge images to create quality panoramas? The main competitors offer it!!!
If DXO would offer this tool I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to take out a license. Switching from one software to another is time-consuming, unpleasant. I think a lot of people want to have a complete software package, do a survey of users, newsletter subscribers, etc. and you’ll be surprised.
Why not develop this part of photography?

Translated with (free version)

/////. Original post (french dude :laughing:)

Salut tout le monde,

Cela fait longtemps que le sujet est abordé : quand DXO va t-il permettre de fusionner des images pour créer des panoramas de qualité ? Les principaux concurrents le proposent !!!
Si DXO proposait cet outil je n’hésiterais pas une seconde à prendre une licence. Passer d’un logiciel à un autre est chronophage, désagréable. Je pense que beaucoup de gens sont demandeurs d’avoir un logiciel complet. faites un sondage auprès des utilisateurs, des personnes inscrites au newletters, etc. et vous serez surpris.
Pourquoi ne pas développer cette partie de la photographie ??


Affinity Photo le fait très bien !


No, Panorama stitching is not needed in DxO PL.

it will be a plus, but DxO has SO DAMN MANY things to fix first …


Oui la création de panorama, d’autres logiciels le font très bien.
Oui le catalogage d’autres logiciels le font très bien.
Pourquoi utiliser un logiciel par fonction alors que la concurrence propose des logiciels beaucoup plus complets.
A mon avis, il faudra que DxO propose de nouvelles choses et assez rapidement.

Personnellement, la chose qui m’irrite le plus c’est de ne pas pouvoir nommer les exports à ma guise, c’est incompréhensible…

You don’t need it, that’s different

Peut être, mais j’utilise DxO. Devoir acquérir des soft juste pour un outil par ici, une fonction par là…, c’est fatiguant. Je ne demande pas le HDR, focus stacking et j’en passe :laughing:

Finalement, pas étonnant qu’Adobe s’en sorte haut la main ou qu’ On1 prenne autant de galons.

DXO is not supposed to do everything, and shouldn’t be expected to. It is a great RAW converter, and works well with Photoshop and other programs that can do more things–like create panoramas.

I don’t understand why people want panorama stitching in PL.

Firstly, to stitch panoramas you need to demosaic all the images into some RGB format like tiff and then do the stitching to create another RGB file. So, you are NOT stitching RAW files and your resulting panorama is NOT a RAW file.

Contrary to what a lot of people think, Lightroom does NOT create RAW panoramas but rather a DNG file with something like a tiff inside the DNG wrapper.

PL is a great RAW converter and I doubt DxO will ever be able to compete with dedicated panorama stitching software.

So, use PL to convert your images to something like 16-bit tiffs and some other dedicated software for the stitching. This way you get the best of both worlds.


DxO might be able to output stitched linear DNG :innocent: … so demosaick, NR and optic corrections applied … you assumption that it must to be further processed than classic linear DNG stage ( so no need for any WB and any color transforms , etc, etc ) it not correct

Welcome to the User Forum, Mat …

In the meantime, do you need any recommendations for a good pano-stitcher ?
… I use “ICE”.

John M

I use Panoramastudio

Indeed, you’re right about the perfect protocol for creating panoramas. It would be possible to convert RAWs with PL, have the option of stitching them and obtain a TIFF, a file on which corrections could still be applied (if they haven’t been made before stitching). This is what LR does, and the result is fine for most users. Having to buy other software for a few dozen shots a year is a hindrance. DxO offers third-party softwares, for black & white, pure RAW, etc. Why not a good panorama software (included in PL or with an offer if you take PL + this software) ?

What stitching programs do you recommend that are easy to learn?

If you want open source software then Hugin is really good but you need time to learn it and some experimenting. This is what I use and get great results.

I have used a couple of other commercial software before but find that Hugin gives me the best results!

If you search for “PANORAMA” you get at least three older requests:

But this is not the main thing PhotoLab has to do.

Like @John-M I use Microsoft Ice. It’s free and no-nonsense. It’s not developed anymore but you can still get it.
I once compared it with Affinity and Ice did win.


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One other thing about Hugin is it does multi line panoramas.

Here is an example that, if I remember correctly, is made of 12 x 32mp images in two lines of 6 images. This is of a very famous Bushman rock painting in Namibia called “The White Lady” and is about 2000 years old.

I think this forum reduces the size of posted images but the original is 55mp.

All images were taken handheld!

There are so many problems with PL that need to be fixed first. Some of them have been around for years.

I use MS ICE. it works very well, simple to use and is free.

I tried others including Lightroom. The Lightroom feature was very poor. I don’t know what it is like now but ICE was good from the start - that is why MS bought it.

I don’t know if ICE exists in the Mac world.

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I don’t think Microsoft bought it. It’s a product of their own.

And windows off course. :grinning:


A long time ago, I read that ICE was a derivative of Autostitch. The concepts behind that were available via a licence from UBC.

Could be mistaken though.