Is their a plan to integrate a stitching functionality into Photolab?
BG Pummi
Is their a plan to integrate a stitching functionality into Photolab?
BG Pummi
Hello @Plummi1,
Nope, we do not have it in plans and there were no requests from the users on this feature.
P.S. Btw, when you create a request you can vote for it by yourself as well.
Svetlana G.
I’m using Photoshop Elements (15) to stitch panoramas - it does a pretty good job, with a simple interface, and includes ability to “auto-fill” un-mapped areas.
BUT, it handles 8-bit files only - - which is a serious limitation, in my view.
Can anyone suggest any better alternative(s) ?
John M
Take a look at Microsoft ICE. Free and has some useful features, including auto-fill for edges of panoramas. Accepts raw files (although it doesn’t provide many tweaking options for raw file conversion).
Another solution: Ptgui which is not free but very powerful.
Another not free is Affinity, I used the MS program but found Affinity much better. Convert in PL and open in Afinity.
I’ve used Panorama Studio Pro for many years and it works very well indeed.
Thanks for that recommendation, John … I tested all the suggestions provided herein, with a complicated set of 4 images - and found that Affinity did the best job (to my requirements, at least) … So, I’ve purchased Affinity to replace Elements.
One handy feature I was using with Elements was that I could export multiple images to it, from PL, and Elements would auto-accept them all as images to use with it’s Pano-stitcher tool … That does not seem to be possible with Affinity - it seems I need to open them all manually (after selecting New Panorama) … Am I missing something ?
John M
No you’re right, you need to click create pano in AP menu and select your images in the pop-up window.
Would be nice to be able to select from PL those you need and export them to AP.
Many of us have been saying for a long time PL needs to integrate better with Affinity. Its RAW conversion isn’t very good (though cameras are added mush faster than with PL!) but as a bit processing program its very good esp. for the cost. Their support is fairly good, and updates VERY good, something PL could very well learn from!
Agree, software always refer to be use as plugin for Ps, would be nice to see a change and work with Serif and have it work with AP.
I can certainly get behind panorama stitching, it would certainly be preferable to futzing with exporting/importing to/from yet another tool.
at the moment I’m on testing
Looks well for first try
I once tried Hugin but experienced less stitch faults with Microsoft ICE.
My workflow with DXO-PL and ICE only:
Back at home:
I agree. ICE is wonderful, simple, easy and fast. And free.
Would love to see panorama RAW stitching so that I can make my panorama not leaving DxO PL and only then adjust for WB, exposure, etc. while viewing the whole panorama and keeping the flexibility to work with a RAW (DNG) file. That’s why it’s a must-have feature and is the superior solution to using external softwares relying on import/export (thus breaking the RAW process)
The problem is that stitching is not a RAW operation, it is a bitmap operation. Even Photoshop doesn’t perform stitching at a RAW level; it might allow you to select RAW files but it converts them all to bitmap before doing the merge.
I want to add to that, there’s no way to fall back on the RAW data since your composed image is made from 2 or more images.
Here’s a different workflow to achieve the same results using ICE:
An alternate way of doing this with ICE is:
Either way, the downside of doing this kind of export to ICE is the creation of a set of JPG files that (usually) need to be deleted because they’re no longer needed. Just an extra workflow step, from one way of looking at it, but I think that’s the attraction of having this function integrated into PL. On the other hand, the last time I used Nik plugins, the same problem of ‘extra’ temporary files existed…