My lens module suddenly stopped applying

Hi all,

Working on Dxo Photolab 6 (latest version), Sony A7RII and lenses that are in the Dxo database (e.g. Sony FE 24-105 F4 OSS, Zeiss Batis 85).

Recently upgradaded to a macbook pro m3.

On the new mac, none of my lens modules apply any longer. the “dxo module” option in the distortion panel is greyed out. The icon in the image thumbnail is the “unrecognized lens” icon.

Even worse, for an image taken with the Zeiss Batis, Photolab proposes the wrong modules, which, when downloaded, apply the wrong corrections.

I do not understand what’s changed. It used to work perfectly with previous macs on the same images, taken with the same camera and lens. Needless to say, the EXIF of these images is unaltered.

Can someone please help here? Photolab is useless with modules!

Thanks a lot,

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The same thing happened to me when I updated to the latest DxO PhotoLab 7 Windows version (7.6.0 Build 189).
Windows 10 operating system.
Distortion correction disappeared from all my images. And it does not come back, what ever I do. Reinstalling DxO PhotoLab 7 did not help. DxO Optics module option did not greyed out, but it has no effect what so ever.
Software recognizes my camera body (Sony A7RM2 ILCE-7RM2) and lens (Sony Vario-Tessar® T* FE 24–70 mm F4 ZA OSS), but does not apply any distortion correction.
I reinstalled previous DxO PhotoLab 7 -version (7.5.0 Build 176) and it does not apply lens module correction any more either. Maybe the Sony -module is broken?

Please submit bug requests to DxO - they have been good at responding to mine so far. They won’t respond here but this is a useful forum to notify others and to ask others to also submit bug requests.

I did. I also got confirmation and ticket number via Email.
Hope the problem will be fixed quickly.

Hi again,

reinstalled an old copy of Photolab 4, works perfectly. EXIF viewer in PL4 reports ‘ILCE-7RM2’ while Exif viewer in PL6 reports ‘Sony A7RM2’. Definitely something wrong with the way PL6 now reads EXIF, it’s completely confused with the A7R2. I filed a ticket as kbr did.

To the Dxo team if they read this: this is definitely on server side, with something having been changed between last saturday and now. Last saturday the exact same software version, on the exact same computer, was able to recognize lens modules correctly, and all of a sudden it now asks for downloading modules again and then does not recognize any of my lenses. Please help, this is quite frustrating not being able to fully use the software you duly paid for.

I took a look at PL7.6.0.189 (= updated) as well as in PL6.15.0.359 (= not yet updated)
and from all the pictures with Sony cameras that I had access to,

only with those of “ILCE-7R v…”. and “ILCE-7RM2 v…” (= as reported by PL6 + 7)

there was no visible geometric correction inspite of the installed profile.

shown here in PL7


I got the most generic answer for my query.
I reinstalled the whole DxO system again and did everything I was told to do. You know… checking my display drivers etc.
Did not help.

Pictures taken with my old Sony A7S are OK. The geometric correction works perfectly for pictures taken with Sony A7S camera body.
But everything taken with Sony A7RM2 gets no correction what so ever.

Log file says:

2024-04-17 19:10:56.109 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 48 | DxOCorrectionEngine - Info | Calibration Data is empty in Auto mode, correction Vignetting will not be applied.
2024-04-17 19:10:56.878 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 72 | DxOFramework - Info | DXOColorManagementProfile::Create_FromExif: No information about ColorProfile in Exif data, defaulting to sRGB
2024-04-17 19:10:57.000 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 98 | Image - Error | The coordinates converter doesn't exist.
2024-04-17 19:10:57.000 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 98 | PhotoLab - Warn | Unable to synchronize PointOfInterest from ZoomManager
2024-04-17 19:11:00.711 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 23 | Database - Info | Profiling DxO.PhotoLab.Database.DOPDB.SaveChanges(...):    0 ms
2024-04-17 19:11:00.833 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 23 | DxOFramework - Info | ConvertFromExifLightSourceToWBMode: Ignoring exif::LightSource value Unknown 0
2024-04-17 19:11:00.833 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 23 | DxOFramework - Info | DeduceICCProfileIDFromExif: Can't retrieve any clue about the color space in the exif, defaulting to sRGB.
2024-04-17 19:11:00.833 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 117 | DxOFramework - Info | ConvertFromExifLightSourceToWBMode: Ignoring exif::LightSource value Unknown 0
2024-04-17 19:11:00.833 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 117 | DxOFramework - Info | DeduceICCProfileIDFromExif: Can't retrieve any clue about the color space in the exif, defaulting to sRGB.
2024-04-17 19:11:00.849 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 23 | DxOFramework - Info | ConvertFromExifLightSourceToWBMode: Ignoring exif::LightSource value Unknown 0
2024-04-17 19:11:01.378 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 117 | DxOFramework - Error | FB2 check failed: CCS_UNSUPPORTED_RESOLUTION
2024-04-17 19:11:01.378 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 23 | DxOFramework - Info | DeduceICCProfileIDFromExif: Can't retrieve any clue about the color space in the exif, defaulting to sRGB.
2024-04-17 19:11:01.389 | DxO.PhotoLab - 19552 - 117 | DxOCorrectionEngine - Info | Calibration Data is empty in Auto mode, correction Vignetting will not be applied.

I got a response to my ticket - After a few reinstalls/generic checks they had me run the diagnostic software.

I managed to work around the problem with the following steps:

  1. reinstall an older Photolab 6 (I found a backup copy of 6.11.0)
  2. copy the ~/Library/DxO Photolab v6/ of the backup to my computer (on macos)
    3)WITH NETWORK OFF launch photolab, my lenses are recognized for geometry/vignetting/softness/aberrations and the rest as they should, network can then be switched back on and everything works correctly as long as I don’t quit the app.

But if I quit Photolab and repeat step 3 with network connected, this instantly corrupts my lens database, and none of my lenses are recognised any longer. IMHO this shows that the problem is the application phoning home and retrieving corrupted data from the DxO servers.

From the reports posted here this appears to affect only specific Sony models, A7R and A7RII.


Yes, as soon as DxO system gets new modules from server, pictures goes broken.
After setting debug mode, the log says this for every picture: No camera body found for UnknownOrUndefined

2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | DataModels - Debug | Creating a file source: "H:\Omat kuvat\Valokuvat\Sony\Originals\A7R II AdboeRGB\2020.05.20\_DSC7292.ARW"
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | DataModels - Debug | "H:\Omat kuvat\Valokuvat\Sony\Originals\A7R II AdboeRGB\2020.05.20\_DSC7292.ARW" is not found in the cache.
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | DataModels - Debug | "H:\Omat kuvat\Valokuvat\Sony\Originals\A7R II AdboeRGB\2020.05.20\_DSC7292.ARW" is found in the database.
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 47 | DxOFramework - Debug | No camera body found for UnknownOrUndefined 
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 47 | DxOFramework - Debug | GetBayerLayout: cannot get bayer type
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 47 | DxOFramework - Debug | GetXtransLayout: only support X-trans image
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 47 | DxOFramework - Debug | `anonymous-namespace'::GetAsShotColorInfo::117 No camera body
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 47 | DxOFramework - Debug | No camera body found for UnknownOrUndefined 
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | Database - Debug | StoreSourceChanged for item '_DSC7292.ARW' (Add, Unchanged)
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | Metadata - Trace | Updating MetadataController for the item '_DSC7292.ARW'
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | DxOFramework - Debug | DxO::XmpMeta::LoadFromExif_unlocked - no XMP found in EXIF, leaving XmpMeta empty
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | DxOFramework - Debug | No camera body found for UnknownOrUndefined 
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | DxOFramework - Debug | No camera body found for UnknownOrUndefined 
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | Thumbnail - Debug | Register thumbnail _DSC7292.ARW, (55310734)
2024-04-17 21:11:34.288 | DxO.PhotoLab - 11012 - 17 | Thumbnail - Debug | Retrieve thumbnail _DSC7292.ARW

Hmm… that’s what log says to every picture, even those, not taken with A7RM2. I’m such an idiot trying to guess, what log markings really mean.

The same for me… mac os (sonoma 14.3.1) + Sony A7RM2
In PL 7.4 everything was ok. Now updated to PL 7.6.
All DxO modules with Sony A7R and Sony A7RM2 have disappeared (grayed out).
Other camera models like Canon 5D still work.

I submitted a support request 2 days ago. No answer so far.
Uninstalled PL 7.6 again and reinstalled PL 7.4. That does nothing. All modules are no longer recognized.
It’s all very disappointing…

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Seems my ticket has been escalated. I also directed them to this thread. Thanks people for reporting multiple instances of the problem, let’s hope this get fixed soon…

I have same problem and denoising via DeepPrime or DeepPrimeXD not working too.

Hi all,

just an update to share that the dev team has recognized the bug and is working on a fix. They did not say whether they would update their database structure or release this as part of a photolab regular update. If they do this I hope they will update v6 because that’s what I have right now :slight_smile:

In any case, I acknowledge the adequate response to user feedback, quite efficient and responsive.



Thanks for this. I just noticed this issue with my A7r II PL 7 and thought I was crazy. Strangely, loading the image into Nik Perspective and correcting for distortion there works just fine.

I’m using the Mac version of PhotoLab 7 (7.6.0 build 55) and I’ve got an issue with several Sony lenses with my Sony A7R2. I’ve raised a ticket and sent an image taken with a Sony A7R2 and Sony FE 35mm f1.8 and asked them to open it in the same version of the software on a Mac, get the image properties and send me a screen shot. I figured them getting the same error as me would prompt some kind of action. Unfortunately the person on support was unable to open my image using the Mac version of the software as they only had the Windows version. They sent me back the image properties screenshot but something must have gone wrong as the image was half the size I had sent and it was missing all of the metadata (no date taken, camera, lens etc)! It is very frustrating.

Just installed 7.7 and the Sony A7RII problem has NOT been fixed.

Another serious problem with 7.7 - Prime denoise (all options) are grayed out and unavailable for all of my cameras (various brands).

Regarding the denoising options, are you sure you are opening a raw file, not a jpeg?

This is known issue with the v7.7 update. For example, see this topic:

My experience of this 7.7 update fiasco is here:

This is frustrating. The Sony A7RM2 issue was not fixed in the new version (DxO PhotoLab Elite V7.7.0 Build 220). I’ve got a few gigs coming up this summer and it looks like I’ll have to get back to using Capture One. This is not good!

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