Integration with Photo Supreme 7 broke in the latest version. To verify this, I uninstalled PL5, then installed version 5.5 build 4732. This worked perfectly. Then I upgraded to build 4770 and the integration failed.
Here is the symptom. In PS7, select a few files. I am editing RAF files. When I click PSU’s “Edit in Photolab 5” button, the files are correctly sent to PL5 which correctly launches into the Customize tab. However the navigator in PL5 displays “No images selected” and there is no file in the edit window. The files have been successfully passed to PL5 because they appear correctly when clicking the PhotoLibrary tab. After displaying correctly, the Customize tab works properly with all images displayed in the navigator.
The integration problem I am having is with the newest released build of Photolab 5.5. I had temporarily installed PL6 to test its DAM capabilities but never tested integration.