i try to understand is how different tools work and influence each other.
does auto exposure compensation influence Smart Lighting and/or vise versa?
If i have several Blue Wants active in contrast, moiré and such and i change one thing like advanced sliders highlights shadows or such does the automode in other sections notice of this?
I did go through the pdf manual and it is a bit foggy about the automated behaviour of the tools and which have lead over the other.
- And if i change clearview (other kind of microcontrast) by making it stronger does this effect global sharpness settings and the bluewant of microcontrast?
in the color rendering department: why isn’t Panasonic in category camera body list?
Do i need this for a better color rendering or is the generic version just fine?
One other thing i can’t grasp is the somewhat different behaviour of exposure compensation from what i am used to in a other application.
it seems in center weighted average always centre the histogram and not tries to expose towards the right. Max without blowing highlights.
(Does Smart Lighting-level effect its “choise” in auto mode or other way around: does smart Lighting set on x% follow exposure compensation changes? (So if i crank up exposure Smartlighting is lowering only highlights and not counter adjust the lifted shadows by me?)
(The spot weighted SmartLighting tool with boxes of importance is very clever and i start to use that more and more for adjusting after preset.)
- is het exposure toolset stil expanding? i mis for instance two eye droppers for ETTR and ETTL.
- eyedropper ETTR = i point ad a white area click on it and the exposure compensation correct hole image until this spot is about 255 of the range of 0-255. (just near max white before blown.)
- eyedropper ETTL = i point at a place that’s suppose to be black and eposure compensation corrects hole image to get this spot near blacklevel 0.
These tools are very handy to get a sense of the dynamic range of the image and see how low exposure is when the blacks are reached and how high to reach max highlight. This does give me a sense to see if i need to start from the blacks or the whites for exposure compensation raise or lower general exposure. From there i can use the spot metered Smart Lighting and or graduated layers to correct the image on local level.
I hope this editted row of questions makes more sense for answering properly.