Histogram Overlay on Curves

It would be great to have a connection between luminance/ color/contrast adjustment and the tonecurveline.
discussed here.
So a reverence window where the histogram and the tonecurve reflect the adjusted image and adjusting of the image realtime.
Adjusting a contrast slider adjust not only the histogram figuur but also the bending of the tonecurveline.
But at this time that’s not connected in the visualisation in the tonecurvetool.

And if they can dualdirection connect the tonecurve vs other tools… WOWWH.
Just imaging that.
(adjust the tone curve and the sliders are repositioned with that. So you can see which part of the image its charasteristics is changed if you bend and modify the tonecurveline ,so you can finetune from there.)

That would be game changer.:grinning:

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