(Melbourne, Australia - Win10)
June 9, 2018, 11:35am
One thing springs to mind and i could be completely wrong about it: contrasttoolset, clearview, tonecurve are al contrast influence tools and in my logic thinking would it be normal that the curve tool line is react to all contrasttools and shows the actual curveline caused by adjustments in clearview and contrast sliders. (maybe by toggle in a checkbox) Because the line is/can be a representation of the contrast levels in the image.
(in default the line is straight but when adding (fine/micro/normal) contrast and or clearview the line should be bended/curved according to the effects of the adjustment.) I am not skilled to use the tonecurveline tool in a way i know what i am doing so i use the more straight reacting sliders, but like the histogram is a indicator of the way the image is buildup so the tonecurve line can be a visionalising of the actual contrast acros the image . As a bonus you can fineadjust with the line. (connect sliders position with tonelinecurve so adjustment on one side wil react on the other side? otherwise it is a cumulated value of adjustments.)
Yes - I reckon this would be a great feature (in having the Tone Curve reflect the impact of other contrast-influencing functions) … and an excellent means of better understanding how the Tone Curve might be used/refined.
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