DXO PL 6.10 and older GPU’s

hy i didn’t test yet my export time because my first problem is before i can do any editing.
that video clip is about the first change after selecting a rawfile.

And about forcing someone to a new pc by a VERSION UPDATE a v6.9 to v6.10 isn’t a user friendly approach imho.
The giant drop in preformens is definiately a bug a miswriting codes. So i wait for now for there response and support reaction. See what they have to offer.

One thing is clear more people has problems in this area after v6.9 with DxO Photolab preformens drop one way or an other.
so a quick fix is needed.
Slower by older systems is fine but this is not a decending scale this is dropping of a cliff with no warning :crazy_face:

i have to act on some tasks of the wife: yep interieurimprovement. so be back later :sweat_smile:

Great – and thanks for feedback.

@Wolfgang but given the complaints here and in DxO PL 7 Painfully Slow to Export JPEGs I believe there is a problem (or are problems) which doesn’t (don’t) appear to affect me!?

This issue may take awhile to sort out given its seemingly random and, for some, sometimes intermittent nature. I have a small set of 7 files I use for batch benchmarking. I compared v6.4 (Win11) to 6.10 (Win10) using my dual boot machine. Version 6.4 bested 6.10 by 12 seconds, an inconsequential difference and nothing more than an anecdotal data point.

My GPU is an NV 1660S using an older Studio driver, 535.98.

@ho72 It is still not good to see a 12 second increase across 7 images but it certainly doesn’t represent the kind of issue that is affecting some DxPL users in this topic and the similar PL7.0 topic!

That 12 sec. differential could be much less with a more powerful GPU. The total times for my 1660S were 5:13 vs 5:01, so a small percentage time increase overall. The files used in the test come from various cameras and the average file size is 68 MB.

Thanks all for charing your issues and results.
A few days ago I entered a support request at " support.dxo.com".
Today I made a test with DXO PL 7, PL7 gives me the same results as with 6.10, it is:

  • 6.9: export with DeepPrime: 48 sec
  • 6.10: export with DeepPrime: 2min 42 sec
  • 7.0: export with DeepPrime: 2min 48 sec
    I am using a labtop with i7 processor and Nvidia GTX950M

Kind Regards,


We apologize for the current GPU issues you may be experiencing on versions PhotoLab 6.9+, PhotoLab7, and PureRaw 3.6.1 . We understand that some of you have noticed a significant slowdown with applications on old GPUs (i.e. possessing less than 4GB of VRAM). Please rest assured that we are actively addressing this issue and a hotfix will be available very soon.

To provide a little background, these problems stem from an initial attempt to resolve random black images and errors observed while using the AI denoising, specifically with DeepPrime and primarily DeepPrimeXD. These issues arose as the network needed to reserve a chunk of memory on the GPU for processing tasks. If it was unable to do so, the processing of the whole or part of the image failed.

To prevent such inconsistent errors, we introduced a failsafe during the initialization of PhotoLab in version 6.9, enhanced further in versions 6.10/7 and PureRaw 3.6.1.
Essentially, PhotoLab/PureRaw attempts to reserve the required memory on the GPU and, if unsuccessful, it defaults to processing everything on the CPU.
The downside of this is that GPUs on the lower end of the spectrum are disproportionately affected.
Furthermore, we regretfully did not fully anticipate the number of users this would impact nor the extent of this impact, which not only slows down image processing but potentially other computer operations as well.

We assure you that we will be reassessing this strategy rapidly and working tirelessly to devise an alternative solution that minimizes overall impact.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience.

Best regards


great info !

Thank you, I appreciate your honesty and the details given of the problem.
DXO is great software with a great support team in backoffice.
Kind Regards,

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Thank you for understanding. I’m pleased to inform you that the fix for the engine issue is done, it concerns to PhotoLab Windows:

  • PL 5.15.1
  • PL 6.10.1
  • PL 7.0.2

I can confirm that the performance issues are solved.
DeepPrime export time is same as what I was used wih PL 6.9.

Thanks for your great support.

Kind Regards,

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That’s a good thing, my “problem” wasn’t in the export mostly.(i am used to the slowness in that depardment :crazy_face:)
i always walk away when i let my pc export multiple ( >10) rawfiles the slow respons in the first 30sec or so after selecting the image in the editor was the problem. (there original 6.9/10 fix was for the exporting error and failing to produce a jpeg.) By maxing out the 2Gb memory of the GPU the videocard got jammed and irresponsive for DXOPL which cuased a “black” image => eror by exporting.
Atleasted that’s what i was reading out the explaination.
And the unexpected side action was a very slow maxed out CPU instead.
So i think they restricted the CPU usage a bit.

i am in the market of buying a new Desktop i am afraid.
(all that work to get it set up right again ( all those applications and the special settings i made over the years wile searching for clues on google) is worring me more then the buckload of money through the drain… :sweat_smile:)


I hear that Mac machines have no problems, ever :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



To set the record straight

  1. I have not personally experienced any export problems on any of my i7-4790K 1050(2GB), 17-4790K 1050Ti(4GB) or Ryzen 5600G 3060(12GB) systems on any release up to and including PL6.10.1 and PL7.0.2.

  2. But I have experienced total CPU usage on all three system with 1 particular image (other images may also cause the same problem) while just browsing the image and its VCs. B U T for this to happen the DP Preference must be set to CPU only and the images must have DP XD selected as an edit option reported in my post here PL6.10.0 maxing out the processor on Win 10 when working on an image

So if I understand your posts you expect a slow export time but you are now experiencing a slow editing time is that correct? Is this a new problem, PL6.9, PL6.10 or older?

I focused on the offious delay in the first 30 seconds or so after the selection.
That part was not that long before. The turning circles right botom indicating that optical module is calculating or something. I think this is shorter visual but the cpu load is longer.

I have it on “Auto” but i suppose it’s the same with “CPU” because watching my GPU loads it’s nearly no change when i change images.
The algorithm avoids my old 750ti i think because of the risk of export failure by overload of graphiccardmemory.
My RAM is more then my CPU/MB can use, it never goes any higher then 66%, i bought it second hand and it was cheaper to get this 32Gb then the 16GB i was aiming for.

Before 6.9 the turning circles where a indication, “wait please i am calculating your selected image” after that the “blob” (image got hazy) was indication of full throttle system use. This i was used to being at work on a 2011 desktop.
After 6.9 and 6.10 running i got that dreadfull 30 seconds first delay.
(i think i remember that in v6.8 my GPU got some workload in “AUTO” )
And testing EA 7 rc2 alongside it i got no sluggyness in the first 30 seconds like v6,9 did. (see my first videopost in AE section) that was the reason i thought it’s not my hardware it’s the software who’s delaying my edit.)

Can’t test v7rc3 licence is out of date.

Can’t remember if i had any exporting errors in v6 except in the EA 7 version’s halfway the testing season which was reported by others.

I can do a test run of 10 images in rw2 and deepprime to jpeg’s to see how long this takes.
I expected exports are slower then most people posting because of the Massive calculations with deepprime rendering a rw2 to jpeg. (my desktop is nearly as old as a classic :joy:)

ok i think we have a conclusion about my delay problems and i can give people with the same issues a workaround. With thanks to Fabrice from DxO support

First: My problem was and is a 30sec delay after each rawfile selection of adjustments like exposure compensation ( which i used to demonstrate.)
The optical module calculates the corrections and shows this with the circling balls lower right corner.
That delay was always the case.
new delay is bount to the Deepprime calculations which arn’t deligated to the GPU anymore because of those crashes/ blackouts when cache/rammemory inside the graphic card is maxed out and has an overflow.

The order of application of the different corrections and no matter what user order the deepPrime denoising is quite early in the pipeline of corrections. So you can either turn on the denoising and then apply correction or do the contrary.

So or you have 30 sec delay when selecting rawfile when the attached preset has Deepprime activated.
( wait for 30 sec and then start editing)
or create a new file preset where your favorite denoising is set but turned off in the tool.

This creates a imidiate response on the sliders after selection.
downsite is you must NOT FORGET to turn the denoising active BEFORE hitting export.
and by multiple selection of files, say 20 rawfiles, and turn on denosing DeepPrime your cpu is blocked for few minuts i afraid ( didn’t test it yet but i assume 20x30 sec and some precentage less. ) because all calculations are done one after the other. And then you get the export delay behind this.

Another point is that once you use dp denoising we don’t expect other corrections to be slower cause of it (the result being cached). As you don’t see the denoised image in the main preview any of those two workflow are equivalent

This acknowledge the fact that after denoising calculation there isn’t much change in the calculation when you change for instance WB, Exposure correction, contrast, saturation. I suspect because denoising by DeepPrime is done with exposure values and not brightness/lightness values which are effected by those adjustments.

an other workaround is using the DNG export as step one.

if you have disk space would be to batch process all the images you want to treat in DNG (then go to take a long coffee) and then work only on the denoised DNG (with the good side effect of working on denoised image on the main preview :))

i am afraid with my 2011 desktop i suffer from caffeine poisoning before the 50 rawfiles are DNG-ted. :rofl:
BUT after this longer waiting time then my patience would hold you enjoy a clean denoised preview inside your workspace. aslong as you don’t change WB too much CA isn’t shifting enough to show layover and mis outlined colors. ( Branches against the sky are an example of this)

i hope some people can bennefit from this investigation.