For short, it should give the option to save or not control points with the preset, AND IT SHOULD NOT reset the control points when I switch presets, or ask me if I want to reset. (may be it should be at preferences reset or not ?)
Viveza and Silver Efex Version 3 give the option to save control points with the preset. I think it should give a choice to save them or not. Most preset are good start or even define a style on my photography, but each photo is different, why I would I save control points ?
The worse thing, is reset the control points when I change the preset while I’m working on a photo that I already defined several control points. I create, and for sure many others, some presets with subtle differences. On earlier Silver versions I often switch presets to choose which one is better for that particular photo, and course without the need to redefine ALL control points on each try.
Is just a logical thing.
For me, just don’t make sense to save control points but it’s ok to have the option, and don’t make sense at all reset control points when I switch form one preset to another.