"Correction Review" Keeps Sticking

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Good idea. Done :slight_smile:

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I have the problem as well and will open a ticket

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His do you downgrade to a previous version - is there way to download fro the dxo site

Unfortunately not.
You need to either have downloaded it manually and saved it before or contact support and ask them.
Unless someone here might help you out if they have it saved somewhere.

In the last year or so there have been so many cases of customers needing to role back problems created. DxO really need to stop this stupidity of blocking access to old versions and make them available, as Affinity, from customers accounts.


I downgraded to the first version of DxO Photolab 7, which I downloaded manually after the purchase. My lesson for the future is to manually download a new DMG file each time the new version is released.


always download the new version from your account on DxO website not from PL itself, keep a copy of last one you downloaded in case something goes wrong.


On all my software, I always keep at least an N-1 version in the event of a problem.


Same problem here! PL 7.1.1 Sonoma MacBookPro M1.

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Just a thought.
If you open up the Activity Monitor and click Disk. Can you see if PL reads or writes data from or to the drive?

Same here, M1 Mac Mini 32 Gb.

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I found a build 32 in my download folder and uninstalled the trouble build which is 38 completely. Installed 32 and so far no problems. Before uninstalling I had tried using cpu only but that didn’t help and the activity monitor said PL7 was using 400% cpu I don’t even know how that can be but something is obviously overloading the system completely. I had a reply form support asking me to install logger to bug hunt but as I have not got 38 on my system currently can’t do it. I have asked them if I can have booth builds installed at same time so I can log and will await reply.
Please raise a ticket if you have not done so already so they can get them logs and figure this out

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Glad I checked the forum this morning. On 2019 intel MBP with 32 GB RAM and PL elite 7.01. I opened an image to see if issue was present and a notice appeared that an upgrade was available to download PL 7.11. The 7.01 version has no issues in modifying images (no spinning beachball) so I conclude it could be a bug in the recent 7.11 upgrade. Will wait to upgrade until issue is resolved in whatever 7.xxx upgrade that is. BTW. I am on Sonoma (beta 14,2)

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I was able to copy a 7.01 version from another Mac computer and bring that into the application folder on the main Mac I use. The previous PhotoLab 7 version works great; it’s definitely the newer version that is giving issues.

I reported this problem last week. Seth (at DXO) sent to me a diagnostic program. The idea is when the Correction Preview gets a spinning wheel then you can run the diagnostic program; it will create a zip file that can be sent back to DXO.

Seth came back to me and asked for an original file and its associated .dop file. By “original” he means straight out of camera and not altered by any other software. I usually ingest my files using Photo Mechanic, which renames them. So I couldn’t use these.

I shot some more photos last night. The .NEF (Nikon Raw) file is too big to send as an email, and so he sent to me a link to submit the file and it’s .dop via a dropbox-like interface. I then confirmed that I have done so, and included in the email a copy of the latest .zip produced by the diagnostic tool.

Interestingly, the symptom does not appear with every file, but it does seem consistent with the one’s that do get the problem.

Might I suggest that if we all raise a formal ticket, and end up sending DXO our examples, then they’ll have more data to work on, and probably fix the prob more speedily.

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I raised this in another thread but got no response.


Machbook Pro M1 Sonoma and reported it to Customer DisServices. Seth has been a waste of time. Told him I have no problems on PL6 and he told me that not all features are taken through to the next version and when I cited, among others, my unsupported phone’s jpegs he suggested I raise a request to have a module created to support the phone. 0/2 is a p*** poor response, totally missing the point and I had already told him it also occurred on supported images.

Question (which DxO has ignored): Could the presence of an active PL6 in addition to PL7 be causing or contributing to the problem? I wondered where the previews cache is on a MacBook but they haven’t told me (another question they just ignore)?


Confirming this problem in PL 7.1.1 fresh install after an upgrade from PL 5. It seems to happen mostly with Local Adjustments (specifically, control points). Same symptoms as reported above: endless spinning “Correction Preview” thingy, followed by a requirement to force quit.

I have a couple of Mac core dump reports if anyone is interested.

Environment: MacOS 12.6.5 M1 64 GB.

ETA … One other note: When I return to the image after the force-quit, the changes that I had requested seem to have been applied.

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All this still seems a problem. I think it’s time for a firmware update…I hope DXO takes this serious and is able to solve this problem. With that spinning wheel it’s impossible to use PL7 the way it should be used for too many.
By the way…I just raised a formal ticket.

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Same issue on M1 Max. I can work on a few files before program hangs. Computer restart is needed to fix (forced quit does not) and I can work on a few files before problem reappears. Happens after making multiple adjustments (local or FP7). Program is essentially unusable until they fix. I let them know.

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