Watermark from filename or metadata?

Hi, looking at the instant watermarking. Is there an option to add the file name as a watermark, or perhaps obtain the watermark from the metadata?
For example:
Say I want to add copyright as a watermark, but the photos were shot by different photographers and the images have a copyright notice embedded inside the XMP metadata.

Currently it seems like the only option would be to manually create one separate watermark for each photographer, entering the the manually. That’s quite tedious, seems somewhat redundant (since the XMP metadata has that information embedded in the file anyway). It is also prone to mistakes, say I accidentally choose the wrong watermark during export. And for a series of different photographs from different photographers I cannot export them all together…

A much more elegant way would be an option to have PhotoLab automatically use text from an XMP field to create the watermark. Is that possible???

Frank, don’t forget to vote yourself on your suggestion

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That’s actually a very good suggestion :+1:

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This should also be incorporated in a comprehensine text tool, not just in watermark.

For an example of this feature, see Picture Window Pro 8.

PWP8 includes macros to extract file properties and exif data to build the text block, such as: camera model, f stop, shutter speed, focal length, ISO, description…

Refer to document “transformation”, page 222. I come to DxO P Picture Window Pro 8, and it handles text very comprehensively. Refer to text transformation, page 222.

Actually, I am not sure. If we wait for a tool as comprehensive as you suggest, we might wait forever. Not everyone is necessarily interested in using PhotoLab as a replacement for Photoshop or some other comprehensive image editor.
I am using it mostly as a powerful raw converter. Of course, it is possible to develop the raw images first using PhotoLab and then fine-polish the result elsewhere (including adding a watermark using XMP metadata). But since the new version now added a watermark feature it seems a no-brainer to add this ability to use metadata for the watermark too. As is, An option for adding a watermarks in batch is fairly useless to protect copyright, unless you are using it to develop only your own images.
I know others may be interested in having access to a much more complex type tool. But I am not sure if that is where PhotoLab should necessarily be headed.


That would be a good feature. I could send my customers a preview and the file name with the image number would be included as a watermark. That would make it easier to choose which picture is meant.

With PhotoLab 5 now out, does anyone know, if that new version can now populate watermarks from the image metadata???
This would be a reason for me to upgrade.
On the other hand, I am really not too keen of having PhotoLab 5 messing with my XMP metadata. I am using PhotoSupreme to manage my image assets and prefer it to other cataloging software. I wonder, if I can use the metadata for the watermark in PhotoLab but otherwise turn off any XMP writing in PhotoLab 5…???

I can not help you in regards to watermarks as I do not have a need for this.
I am also using PSU and it works well with DPL. Saying this I stick to a clear rule: Only use ONE app for metadata. In my case this is PSU and PSU only. I have not had any problems in regards to metadata with DPL 4 nor DPL 5 while beta testing it in connection with PSU

Yes, I also ONLY manage all my metadata inside PSU and do not modify it anywhere else. I saw that there is a setting in PhotoLab 5 to disable synchronizing metadata with its database. If upgrading, I plan to use that to avoid data loss. It is encouraging to hear that you are experiencing no issues so far testing PL5 with PSU.

Still, now that PL5 offers metadata support it would be a no-brainer to make use of that metadata by adding an option to use these fields for watermarking. That would be a great addition.

There is no way to use metadata with watermarks in PL 5.

I would use this feature to add keywords to my watermark, thus, I could automatically have information about the photo, such as bird species, or place name displayed on the photo as part of my watermark.

Since DxO apparently doesn’t currently support this, can anyone suggest an automated method of accomplishing it?

Rather than modifying the image, I’ve been using “Endless Slideshow Screensaver” both as a screensaver and for giving slideshows. It allows you to display text overlaid on the images from any of the EXIF, ITPC, file, or Windows Explorer fields.
Go to the “Viewer” tab, select “Overlay text” and add whichever fields you want to display, where you want each displayed, in what font, size, color, background, …

Unfortunately, it’s a Windows only app. Anyone know a similar one for MacOS?

You can watermark from metadata using the free software Picture Window Pro 8 from Digital Light and Color.

See Transformations, https://www.dl-c.com/Documents/Transformations.pdf

Text transformation, macros, page 309.

That might be so, yet I am not keen to use a separate software for what DxO should easily do.
I already use PhotoSupreme and can do this there. However, since I am processing raw files in DxO, it would be much easier to be able to add a watermark when generating JPG derivatives snd mot then having to modify these images again in a separate step.

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