Unable to download latest ViewPoint version - Forbidden 403

It appears the download URL for DXO ViewPoint is not accessible. It comes up with a 403 Forbidden when trying to access it directly using the following URL:


Same things happen for users trying to signup for a trial, and also when I’m logged in trying to download my software.

Is anyone else experiencing the same issue when accessing the above link?

Hello @kuromajutsu

a click at the link shows the download dialog like expected
Windows 10/ Edge

best regards

Hi and welcome.

Get in contact with support and they will help you with the IP block problem.

I also can download it.

I’ve copied the URL into Safari and - got the installer.

Try a different browser?

:bulb: When I use a VPN I sometimes encounter the same problem here and there… so I change the location in the VPN and try again.

Thanks all, I can download it now. Consider this one closed.

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