Tutorials DxO PhotoLab by the user

The guy who took the image know that the boat was white and that the light of the area casting a blue tint all across the field.
Known effect in the area.
He wanted with dxo plv1.2 in this case a different look more real to his mind.
Redisch orange glow in the sky, lifted shadows in the foliage and such. More to the dynamics of the human eye.

So we tried to use the color picker and color temp sliders to look for a more natural look.
And i loaded his image in SP used the Auto Absolute WB and used a sundown enhancer preset dodge n burn the shadows highlights and it looked more to his eye’s.
So i tried to replicate this image in dxo with the tools dxo provided. (just to see if we could do it)
This was much more steps. And i did a “how i did it” just to show the difference and why dxo needed a kind of auto correction WB other then the colorpicker it self.

So it was a exercise a how can we achieve and overcome a “problem” like his blue cast. we did the same with river image and a “door”.

(i learn a trick from a poster that tonecurve is very handy to create a “blacklevel” dehaze above the usual clearview tool slider., So if you got a handy trick in dxo pl please share. :slightly_smiling_face:
Same as the multicolor light casting of the windows and interieur light. :slightly_smiling_face:

Lots of work there @Pieloe, well done! :+1:


Hi Peter - I do remember you explaining this - but I cannot recall where you did so !

Would you please point us to it …

John M

I think this may be the discussion you were thinking about:

Regards, Joseph