I agree … and design consistency would address this problem.
With global adjustments, slider values can be adjusted using the cursor keys (up, down, left, right) - if this behaviour was the same for local adjustments then it would be easy to fine-tune adjustment values.
Yes, that’s sort of true, Mark … but I still don’t find it easy to make “fine” adjustments - and esp. not to the degree referred to in @man’s example (above).
And, regardless - - UI consistency should be a design priority.
I agree it can be difficult but the further to the right you move the mouse pointer, the higher the degree of accuracy. I use local adjustments a lot so I have developed the skill to use them to my satisfaction over time, but it still isn’t easy.
It’s so frustrating having to click in the picture area before I can hit right arrow to go to the next picture. Lightroom allows Alt-right-arrow from anywhere
When I’ve figured out the white balance adjustment to compensate for the photo being taken through glass, I want to be able to apply the correction to a goup of pictures without worrying that I’m also adjusting exposure or any other settings.
Comparing images. This is a biggie for me. When I’m shooting in low light, I will take at least two shots for each scene. That way, I increase my chances tha at least one is sharp. I then want to compare shots side by side at 100% zoom and reject one of the pair. My only option currently is to import all of the images into lightroom and do the sorting there, and then use the information from lightroom to mark the rejects in Photolab.
1 i use the filmstrip changing images so don’t know.
2 you have to test it but a workaround is find the right numbers, then select all images you want to effect, type in those numbers again in wb and all selected images has these numbers as WB.
This works for all kind of input. I think, don’t use it much so please test first
3 i don’t have LR so i use a viewer the comparing images is a memory filler if DxO uses the same correction actions which it does now when selecting a image, see the small “plop” every time you change a image. For four it has to calculate four at ones. Stil i want this too…
And @John-M ,
The pull right action for smoother, smaller steps adjustment is not a intuitive motion and not consistent in other parts of the dxo UI. It’s a solution to keep the menu as small as posible over the image.
Solution 1 create a solomode and enlargement when you select a slider, so only that slider is visible and bigger so more easy to adjust.
Solution 2 move the controls into a tool window as all other controls are. Let it open and close at the top right when you select local adjustment, in fact move that topbar button to the right toolbar and when you click to activate the controls appear underneeth it.
I reckon Solution 0 is best; Make UI for slider adjustment in LA mode consistent with behaviour in GA mode AND with behaviour in Nik Collection tools … This would not impact menu size at all.
Hi John,
Yes, but i am not a fan of scrolling a lot.
So my solution 2 is somewhat what you sugesting but it’s sticking at the top.
We have already the grouplist toolwindow/palette local adjustment.put the sliders and such in there.
Stick that on top right above essentials palette and use the activate button to open and close it.
(i am a fan of this behaviour for more tools. In fact it would be great if when i hit horizontool(or any other toolcommandbutton in the topbar) the palette window move’s temperally up the list just above the essential palette. Deactivate and it move’s back to original place in the paletterow. Duplicate is also ok.)
2 you have to test it but a workaround is find the right numbers, then select all images you want to effect, type in those numbers again in wb and all selected images has these numbers as WB.
This works for all kind of input. I think, don’t use it much so please test first
There are no numbers to copy when you are processing jpgs
But what does work is to select multiple images first, and then make the adjustment on one of the images
The focus peaking options are really nice, and by flipping back and forth between candidate images, one can generally see which is sharper. It also has an option to move rejected images to another folder, so it provides an easy way of culling images before processing them in Photolab.
I confirm it has not
The way to compare 2 images in Fast raw is two launch 2 sessions.
Easy to compare in fast stone but to my knowkedge not a derawtiser
Faststone has a function to default develop a rawfile so a full resolution comparison is possible.
Stil my first culling app is FRV. When i have the need to compare two images i open FSIV and use that to choose. And use the star raiting in FRV to pin the “best”.
All out of focus, odd framing, exposure failure, mishits in general i delete in FRV.
The fine tuning is in DxO. After export i decide if i delete some double /the same looking.
Both, FRV and FSIV are excelent sub applications for DxOPL.
Several of these are among the features I lack the most. Actually, the lack of support for color labels is slowing me down when working with other programs. Typically, I cull images with FastRawViewer, and attach some information to the color labels (e.g., turn this picture in B&W or stick to color in post).
A related thing would be the ability to read XMP sidecar files and include star rating. For now, I port the info with some custom made program that edits the .dop files, but I could work with a less ad hoc solution.
@ DxO teams: Keep up the great work!
(Barb Mac 11.7, PL6, FP6, VP3, Canon, Olympus)
Interesting list. I am just about to ditch Lightroom after many years. I’ve had PL3 for a while but have only used it for the odd photo until now. I love PL3 for the final image potential, but I’m a bit worried about my workflow, especially if I have to select and process just a few photos from hundreds quickly.
**Renaming:**I will have to see if I can find a way to rename the files on import with a date time stamp before using PL3 as I often shoot with two cameras and want to sync the photos.
Filtering is laborious with having to uncheck things and then open the window and scroll down again to uncheck the next item… and I will have to find work arounds to identify virtual copies. Assigning a colour would definitely give more options.
**Presets:**Not being able to select which adjustments are in the preset requires thinking ahead - will need to make universal adjustments first. I’ve just realised I can select all images and make an adjustment such as WB and it will apply to all, so that is very welcome
I feel excited to make the switch, but I am nervous!
Which version of PhotoLab are you using? The Elite version has a Preset Editor which allows you to create partial presets which should meet your requirements.
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(Barb Mac 11.7, PL6, FP6, VP3, Canon, Olympus)
Hi Mark
I am using the Photolab 3 Elite Version. Perhaps I need to read the manual as I couldn’t see a way to save only a few things from a currently edited photo, it seems to save everything. e.g. if I edit a photo and I’d like to save just the white balance and contrast from that edit, can I save that as a preset?
I can see that I could change the WB and contrast, save that as a preset and then continue with the edit, but is there a way to just select parts of the edit afterwards as a preset?
I’m only just getting to grips with editing lots of images, so I may well have a lot to learn!