1 Save current settings as preset.
2 edit preset and uncheck the tools you don’t want to change. ( blue line infront with v’s)
3 save as partial preset name you thing.
I have a
Personal preset folder.
Partial preset folder, ( for skin) portret. I just aply after global settings to see if it got better and i don’t want all changed only contrast for skin.
And a temp preset folder for wel, a copy paste lazy one.
Create a partial preset and use that to speed up images who are the same.
(copy paste does that too but more then i wanted.)
(Barb Mac 11.7, PL6, FP6, VP3, Canon, Olympus)
Thank you so much, that’s great! I had stumbled into the edit preset, but hadn’t understood the blue bars and that I could save the changes. That is really useful
Creating partial presets may be a little difficult to understand and use the first time so let us know if you run into problems.
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(Barb Mac 11.7, PL6, FP6, VP3, Canon, Olympus)
It is fine thank you. I had a quick try before I replied to check I understood correctly, and it all worked as @OXiDant said. I can see the tip about a folder for temporary presets is useful too. Very happy
I’ve been able to get by alright without an elliptical mask / full-featured radial filter, but I agree it would be quite useful and seems to be frequently requested. I share the hope that this can be added to some extent in a PL 4.x update.
Selective copy and paste : copy a selection of settings between images. Again Capture One sets the gold standard here with both a panel as well as easy copy/paste icon in every single individual setting panel. I just love this
I agrre with the initial proposal, an I would like to ask for 2 other really simple features:
1.Freely stack the photos you want, just like Lightroom does. For example, when taking multiple shots for an HDR or panorama. Result: cleaning and simplifying the image strip.
2. Allow to flip an image. For example to reproduce a slide on the side of the emulsion or to change the hand with which an object is held.
it is not necessary to rack one’s brains…
(Custom) Keyboard shortcuts : while some are available, for me to effectively use any application I need good and preferably customisable keyboard shortcuts. Capture One and Final Cut Pro are gold standards here, almost everything has a shortcut and is user configurable. PhotoLab at the moment is very biased towards mouse users, and also requires extreme precision to hit toggles and sliders.
Comparing images : sometimes I just want to compare two images side-by-side to figure out which one is the absolute best. PhotoLab offers no easy way to do this.
Token based file naming : use image metadata or other available variables to name files on import AND export. I currently need to use another app just to achieve this.
(AI) Intelligent Auto White Balance : white balance is one of the most critical elements for a photo and nowadays it is possible for AI/algorithms to make a pretty good guess. I would like to have this as a starting point. For me it is the key AI/Auto thing missing compared to other software, and one I would expect PhotoLab to do an amazing job at given the results of Prime/Smart Lighting/Clear View.
Stacking : I would like to be able to stack my virtual copies with the master image to declutter my filmstrip. I also would like a way to name my virtual copies e.g. [master name] [copy title].
HEIC/HIEF-support : seems to me like this is the image codec of the feature which would give results closer to TIFF files but with much smaller file size. Would love to have this as an export option since I think JPEG is very limited and outdated.
LUT support : they have become pretty much universal and I think when they would be integrated in the pipeline in a smart way (e.g. preventing blowing out highlights) it could be a game changer, which many people would use since there are so many available for sale/download.
Support for color labels : I think this is a common standard across applications (extending to the video space) and it would give more flexibility in marking images for individual workflows in addition to the already existing stars. Please also ensure these can be read from and written to .xml metadata.
And I would like to see the following as well by now:
Native Mac interface : I have recently switched from dual Windows desktop/Mac notebooks to 100% Mac Notebooks. I find the DxO interface styling on Mac outdated, inefficient with space and also not on the same level as the Windows interface which is much more edible. So I would like a redone interface (not necessary location of elements in terms of UX, but mostly styling that is in line with apps like Pixelmator Pro, Capture One and new Lightroom (cloud).
Full native M1 support : It’s OK to be the last one in the class, but not for too long ;). The performance gains are really remarkable. But good to see that core image processing already uses M1 well trough good use of standard macOS frameworks and APIs.
AI search : auto-tagging of images underwater for search purposes only. Can be very intelligent e.g. “photos with 2 people, 3 people”, “close-ups of people” etc. Again, no auto-tagging or anything, just improved search to drill down to certain photos.
And from DxO as a company I would like to see the following “Kaizen” gestures:
Camera and lens updates : support the latest cameras and lenses in the latest version + one version back. This shouldn’t be too much work, will maybe cost some business, but will also buy tons of goodwill from customers and the community.
Better OS support : support one OS version further back for at least macOS (since Windows has less versions).
Assuming it is not copyrighted by Topaz, I would like the windscreen wiper interface that they have for comparing two images before and after. It is the one advantage that Topaz has for me.
Comme on dit chez nous : « Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ? »
Voilà qui est curieux et inattendu !!! Ceux qui se sont plaints du non-support de Mojave par PL5 ont pourtant été unanimement considérés ici comme des râleurs pénibles et un peu idiots…