Steam trains

@Joanna, indeed, very good in color, mood and detail.

I see yet it is the war loc (see above Dieren). The locs are total black without red, build and used in Worldwar II.


A color checker target would help.

Slightly collides with “correct colour”…

Gave it a try in B&W:

Simple conversion to B&W using the HSL tool which i also used to darken the foreground cart and the Kärcher. Used U-Points to darken the person in the center of the image and the box in the lower LH corner. Some ClearView Plus too.

As a general rule, Images that dark should be seen in dark conditions, be it with dark background in the frame and/or with spot lighting. See it with a bright browser background (or soft proofing) makes details in the shadows “go away”.


@platypus, two words: very good.


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Just wondering…
Would this contraption qualify as a steam train? Steam loc perhaps?
It is definitely something steam-ish :sunglasses:

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And probably working too.

Second thought, it looks more as a tractor. But with steam.


No because it’s a traction engine:

Well, it’s actually a scale model traction engine.

VSM railway station Lieren near Apeldoorn (NL) 14 okt 2006. Steamtrain with steamloc 24009 (Märklin lovers !) just as the train was going out.

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Arm wrestling of the giants

This image is the result of stitching together 19 single images.


How did you take these images?


camera:Sony SLT-A55V
lens: SAL18250
all 19 single pics:
1/80 sec

Started from left. Took care of a 90 degree angle.
After a shot, I moved ~5m to the right. Still took care on 90 degree
and NOT changing the distance. Unfortunately I had no tripod with me, so i was forced to work with absolute concentration and a steady hand. In post processing I converted RAW to TIF and stitched the 19 single images together using a stitching SW.It probably worked.


Either that or a very big driver :rofl:

Moving the camera not rotating. I tried that once, no success.


You need at least a ⅓ overlap for each shot and, without a tripod a very good idea of the straight line you are going to follow parallel to the subject.

@willy1, this is my attempt. I’m still unhappy with the with windows. I continue to play around with it.

@George , yes, it is important to have a 90 degree and same distance in all single shots. Even if I’d had a tripod, it wouldn’t have worked with simple rotation. I would have had to carefully move the whole tripod with the camera to the right.

@HGF Download the dop-file in the correction (above) made by @Joanna. I find her result very good.


Could you take the same photo a little after sunset, so it is just starting to get dark outside? If you exposed for the locomotive, I’m wondering if that might get you an even better end result. Maybe. I’m just speculating.

This was taken on 22nd August 2022. Location is Couridjah on the NSW Rail Museum’s heritage loop line.


The photo was taken in 2006 !


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This photo was kindly made available to us by @Willy1 . The challenge is not just to take a new photo, but to get the best out of existing photos using DxO.

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