Steam trains

And then I found this one…

… where the guard’s van seems to be travelling slower than the engine :woozy_face: :crazy_face:

It was a “Lehrloc”. A steamloc without wagons.

@George. Very good. Is it a VSM Apeldoorn museumsteamloc, or is it German?

See my 011066 above. The sun right in the face and a monster with 140 km/h rushing along in a last split of a second. Nice sport!

Yet a war steamloc 523879 on 13-07-2006 in Dieren (NL)


VSM steamloc depot Lieren (NL).

The show was taken at the Alkmaar Trainshow 2009.
Are you Dutch? Locomotief 01 1075 – Stoom Stichting Nederland


@ George, yes.
Another big steamloc. Lieren (NL)

Photos taken in my visit to the “Georgetown Loop” in Colorado, 2013

DSCF0781.RAF (32.3 MB)
DSCF0781.RAF.dop (12.9 KB)

DSCF0942.RAF (32.2 MB)
DSCF0942.RAF.dop (13.7 KB)

DSCF0879.RAF (32.2 MB)
DSCF0879.RAF.dop (15.3 KB)

Along with my friends from Colorado, we went for the Georgetown Loop steam train ride, with many photo stops during and after the ride.

Beautiful photo - wow! I know they made huge locomotives in the USA, but never saw one this big from Europe. Awesome engine. Is it still in use for excursions?

May be. Some locs but not all. Veluwse Stoomtrein Maatschappij Apeldoorn.
Another big one in Bahnhof Emmerich (D).


Occasionally, steam locomotives were heated electrically

If I can just intervene in this sharing of contributors photos.

For those of you who are as obsessed with steam engines, this story of the Tornado might prove interesting.

Basically a few friends met down the pub and decided it might be a fun idea to build a completely new, full scale, replica of this most beautiful of engines. And thus began an odyssey of epic proportions, to the point where this engine is licensed for mainline running and has exceeded 100 mph on trial runs. It now pulls tourist trains all over the UK.

Here’s an internet photo borrowed from Flickr…

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:rofl: Only in England…

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@Willy1 , does it make sense to lighten this pic a little bit , to see more details?

@HGF perhaps this is better. I had no flash with me and it was dark insite. Canon EOS 30D 06-08-2006.


@Willy1, much better, thank you !

I prefer the mood of the first issue. With raised shadows, the image looses what I’d call an essential component.

For details, I’d probably try b&w or local adjustments. If we could acces the raw file, that is :wink:

@platypus this is the raw file and the dop file.

IMG_0283.CR2 (6,7 MB)
IMG_0283.CR2.dop (11,3 KB)

I did try to keep the loc black. That was my main goal.

I don’t think a flash will be of any help.


@George, no, sorry this are not the correct colors. The locs are greyblack old and rusty. See my picture, that are the true colors. New out of the factory they are black.

@platypus yes, let us not forget the mood in this picture.


This is where I find the Fine Contrast Shadows slider so useful as it can bring out detail in shadows without over sharpening everything else. But…

in which case, I just tweaked the Tone Curve to keep what I thought were true blacks, whilst maintaining that “scruffy” appearance…

As for exposure, definitely no flash required. I assume you exposed to place the window slightly over 0EV, because you couldn’t have got the overall exposure more correct.

I used Smart Lighting to set the black and white levels and, although the window is bright, I wouldn’t call it over-exposed.

Here is your DOP, with my version added…

IMG_0283.CR2.dop (27,6 Ko)

You will need FilmPack to see the Fine Contrast adjustments

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