([Greg] (Micro 4/3 + Win11))
November 22, 2021, 1:09am
Hi, Stephen. Is this the same problem that you reported here? Silver Effex and Affinity
If so, you could have just bumped the older topic by posting there again. Sorry you’re not getting confirmation of your problem in that topic. But maybe the discussion here will help you:
macOS 11.4:
The Nik4 versions of Viveza and Silver Efex Pro will not run correctly as plugins in Affinity Photo nor PhotoLine. When running in either of these hosts, the plugin shows no “OK” button to return results to the host. File->Save produces a “processing” message on the screen that hangs. The other plugins in the suite run correctly as did the Nik3 collection.
No problem running as standalones or launching from PhotoLab 4.
(I have filed a trouble report with support.)