Sharpening with PL4

Hi John,
you might know, that resize / resampling (part of Export to Disk process) via

  1. < bilinear > interpolates / adds pixels and you might more or less end with softer results
  2. < bicubic > cares for smooth gradiants / normal contrast
  3. < bicubic sharper > is commonly used for downsampling (only)

And as you experienced, with high contrast pics / details + bicubic sharpener you most likely end with ‘over sharpening’. – Now, that depends on the purpose of your photo.

Output-sharpening for screen is ‘easy’ in that way, as at least you see (can control) the output on your screen. Same is true when reducing pic size for web purposes, which demands different setting.

[In the past, when running pages for a local photo club, I had to handle all kinds of photos / profiles. Depending on the contrast, basic sharpness and size of the available pictures, I used to resize them to exactly fit the page for maximum sharpness and sharpened with Nik output sharpener (Adaptive / 20%) if necessary (PS batch mode), otherwise just left them without any additional sharpening.]
– Well, it’s an extra step …
In PL I would suggest to experiment with a virtual copy and export from there, in case you don’t want to make use of Nik Output sharpener.

Output- sharpening for printing is a completely different story.
For Inkjet print (now Epson P800) I still don’t use PL for different reasons. – The file, already been resized to the exact output size and specially treated to match the specific paper (full softproof) will get a final output sharpening with Nik output sharpener with these settings
– viewing distance = automatic (sharpening according to output size)
– paper type = glossy (always, also when using matte paper)
– printer resolution = 1440 dpI (always, fits glossy and matte paper)
– output sharpening 100%
– everything else 0%

For printshop printing you will have to experiment.

important note: any creative sharpening (Local Contrast etc.) has been applied before printing

Hope this extended version is not too boring. Have fun, Wolfgang