PhotoLab "Lens Sharpness"


“Lens Sharpness” available with DxO’s lens module

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is DxO’s ‘secret sauce’ to make up for some lens softness – and is customizable
(different to FimPack5 Elite and PureRaw w/ an option).

PL supports most of those cameras & lenses I used since going ‘digital’ – and while it doesn’t turn
a mediocre lens into ‘brilliant’, “Lens Sharpness” was the reason to stay with (instead of ON1).
Additionally I enjoy the superb noise reduction.

Long story short – with “Lens Sharpness” applied, I don’t use “Unsharp Mask” at all,

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but look for global and local adjustments ‘to guide the viewers eye’ (e.g. brightness, contrast, sharpness, colour). – My goal is printing and ever since I use Nik Output Sharpener, which when properly (pre)set takes all necessary settings in account ‘automatically’. :slight_smile:
Sharpening with PL4 - #6 by Wolfgang