A request to expand the options in this dialog beyond 5 applications was made in 2018. Somehow the conversation drifted away from PL to the NIK plugins.
Svetlana closed the thread in 2019 noting that the list had been expanded but I think she must have been referring to NIK because the PL list is still just 5 apps.
Why is this a restrictive limit? Because PL (unlike LR, C1, Luminar and On1) does not provide for merging of bracketed images (“HDR”, panoramas) and has a limited (one might say ‘outdated’) approach to output sharpening. So I rely on specialised external programs for all of these plus e.g. Affinity (or PS) for much easier and more accurate ‘healing’ and ‘cloning’ – especially for awkward overhead powerlines etc. Also boundary-warping when I need it (not often).
I quickly run out of the 5 options and, when I need another, have to search for it in the Applications folder. A bit of an annoyance.
May I therefore, repeat the request for a longer list of apps in the drop-down list? It seems like a simple change (a minor interface item; a PList). Would it be possible to include this in the next release (? October) of PL?
Thank you. P