PL8 not record preview in image browser - 1 VC returns to black whatever I do


Still playing with V8 to see how it behaves.
Here playing with a moon image trying to see how far differences in ground color due to geological differences can be accentuated relatively cleanly with a single shot in photolab 8.
(This is not the best image to do this, wet air, etc, etc, but this is only to check how pl8 behaves).

So I have several VC. And for the last one (two last one since I duplicated the culprit) when I work on it I see the thumbail updating, and when I unselect this vitual copy, the thumnail turns black (both of them the first one and the duplicated one do the same thing).

I changed directory and come back, changed thumnails size, I closed PL8, opened it again, anyway tried whatever I thought could maybe create a refresh of all this, but same result. (oh, only thing I didn’t do is restart my station).

But if I disable settings in Light tab it works again (image preview remains in the thumnail).

Here are nef and dop file :

deleted - check done (see next messages below).

EDIT : 2 more infos :
-this image had a .dop file from pl6 when I opened it with pl8.
-I use pl on one screen and image browser on a second screen.

PL8.0.0 Win11

I’ve seen this when e.g. a LUT was previously applied that is no longer available (deleted/in a different absolute path or otherwise). Then I thought of checking your crop to see if you accidentally chose the “all-new night mode” :upside_down_face:, but…

well, I don’t know the reason … delete them and try again :man_shrugging:

Can you get images in thumbail of the last 2 VC ?
Or does it not work for you too ?

If you get the same behavior as me, you should see image in thumbnail image brower when you select the culprit VC (2 last ones), and when you unselect it, it turns black.
Unless if you disable smart lighting. In which case everything works fine.

Do you have the same behavior as I have ?
I would like to know if this happens only on my station.

If not only on my station I’ll send this image and .dop to support.


Yes, I had tried a lot of stuff and even copied the settings from the last VC to the master to then delete the rest and then check the dop-file, but … no idea.

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No a big deal if this does not reproduce again.
But since I think DxO guys should understand what happens, I’ll send this to support.

also refer to this thread

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I like this nice background :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:. :stuck_out_tongue:.

It was a part of a sequence where moon moves in frame when atmosphere changes for a some compositing project.

Could you please repost the dop file or send it to me via PM?
I could reproduce the problem. Unfortunately I didn’t keep the original file and after fixing the problem (by some copy settings), I’m no longer able to see it again. I still have the raw.

Will put it tomorrow.
Have to go now.
What I’d like to know is what happened.
Seems when I touch the tone curve I get a bug (yesterday it’s the history who bugged. I put a video and sent it to support too).