PL5: Moving files outside PL loses corrections and more

Summary of my mega post above:-

  1. PL5 Reads ‘Rotation’ & ‘Ratings’ (and the Tag) from PL4 DOP, ‘keywords’ & ‘GPS’ from xmp sidecar or xmp embedded when first discovering a “new” image.

  2. PL5 never reads ‘Rating’ and ‘Rotation’ from PL5 DOP only from xmp sidecar or embedded xmp image metadata. The details are stored in the DOP but not read back!

  3. Tag also not read from PL5 DOP - a bug!

  4. PL5 not much changed from PL4 database so why should we suddenly be concerned that the database is “not fit for purpose”. Not much more fragile (possibly no more fragile) that the competition. All (except ACDSee use SQLlite as the database system of choice).

  5. The role of the PL4 DOP for ‘Rating’ and ‘Rotation’ now taken by the image metadata so that must be written and secured and retained as part of the DOP + xmp sidecar(where appropriate) + image package for “back-up” purposes! If it is never written back to the image any PL5 entered metadata will be “lost” (i.e. in the database only).

  6. PL5 does re-format the metadata under certain circumstances see XMP-files gets F*cked up due hierachical mismanagement in dual management - #39 by BHAYT for the most excruciating detail! Some caution with options etc. required.

  7. What do I have on my current bucket list for DxO when they have the time of course? Here are some of the items PL5.2.0.4730 Conflict Resolution only detects externally generated conflicts.