@joanna Long time no speak! As a result of @akirstein concerns over what PL5.2.0 had done with keywords I did some more tests and was going to put them in my topic PL5.2.0.4730 Conflict Resolution only detects externally generated conflicts (getting very parochial all of a sudden) but will place them here instead!
Way back in a post far far away and certainly far away from the topic itself (a “bug” reported by me) I asked Joanna and @jch2103 to enlighten me on the “correct” representation of metadata and that started a lot of discussions and tests, amongst which I produced a spreadsheet that looked at what PL5 (PL5.1.2 to be exact) did with the keyword data that other software had “lovingly” placed in the image (in the RAW xmp sidecar file) when that image was then exported from PL5 as a JPG.
The original post that contains the spreadsheet I produced with input from others was contained in PL4.3.6.32 Ghosting Ratings for Same image in different directories (Win10) - #114 by BHAYT, i.e.
Always good to quote yourself!?
So I took the original test data and copied it to a new location and repeated the tests on PL5.2.0 on my Main machine and on PL5.1.4 on my Test machine and produced the following, where the first rows are from the original file, the second from the original PL5.1.2 tests (designated just DxPL5), the third from PL5.1.4 and finally from PL5.2.0 so that we can see exactly what DxO has changed!
Personally I would have retained the original as an option and allowed the users to choose between the two!
I don’t think that this answers the many posts that complained that the metadata so lovingly inserted by their DAM systems has been altered by PL5!!
It is good to see that DxO monitor the posts and take note of the various complaints. it is sad that they then make an arbitrary change and seem to not really have consulted with their users, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink and you can’t stop it … in the pond!”.
After that remark and the frosty look I got from my wife, when she kindly brought me a cup of coffee and saw this post etc. on my screen, this might well be my last post!!
Photo Mechanics:-
Capture 1:-