PhotoLab 7.8.0 running out of memory

Since upgrading to PhotoLab 7.8.0 yesterday, my computer runs out of RAM when rendering a large batch of photos and I have to force-reboot the computer.

After it has rendered 80 or so photos, I get a popup saying “Your system is running out of memory” and a list of running applications, asking me to pick one to Force Quit. In that list it says PhotoLab is using about 28 GB RAM. Soon thereafter, everything just freezes and I can’t even move the mouse pointer any more. I have to long-press the powerbutton to force a reboot.

My computer is an M1 Pro MacBook Pro with 32 GB RAM. This has never happened with PL 7.7 or any earlier versions (using it since PL 5). With 7.8 it has happend twice now.

Sorry to hear about your problems.

How heavy are the raw files you are exporting?
How many concurrent export processes have you configured in PL?
What if you lower the number to 2 or 4 only?

I just tested it: a huge batch of 270 Nikon Z6 raw files (with modifications), exported to JPEG.

And on Windows 10 I am not able to reproduce your problem. At the end of the export, PL7.8 only occupies a little more than 5 GB. So it might only be Mac related.

They are ~48 MB 33 MP ARW files from Sony A7C II (Lossless L).
I lowered concurrency from 6 to 4 and the memory warning still popped up for the same batch of 114 photos, but it didn’t crash the system this time and it eventually finished.

Even after it finished, these processes were still lingering:

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I lowered concurrency to 2 and tried with a different set of 154 photos. After 111 photos, rendering stopped (hanged, didn’t continue) and I got the popup. The dialog doesn’t say that PhotoLab is using 28+ GB RAM anymore, but it still gets eaten up somehow and the system started to feel unresponsive, so I quit PhotoLab and it recovered again.


Running into the same issue with the newest upgrade. I was only exporting 30 RAW/NEF from my Z8. It took about 3 minutes and then the out of memory notice with PhotoLab using over 10GB of memory came up. After another minute, my MacBook Pro M3 rebooted.

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No such problem on Win11.
Looks like PL7.8/Mac exporting function has memory leak and OS runs out of virtual memory.
It’s hard to believe DxO does not test large exports, so it may be something more specific (?).

Thanks all for testing.
It seems that latest PL for macOS do suffer from a memory leak.

Unless you already have filed a ticket to support it would be the best way of getting it solved.

I have filed a ticket.

Same. Also using a Z8 for the record.

Windows 11 with latest patches, 32 GB RAM, i7-14700KF, RTX 4070, PhotoLab 7.8.0-254 (build numbers on Win differ from Mac versions), FP and VP licenses.
Maximum number of export threads = 2 (Windows default).

I just did an export of 845 RAWs from Z8, all with DeepPRIME, some of them XD, about half in ISO 8k-12k range. Raws were 45MPx, so the total RGB buffers size was 845456 MB, well over 200 GB. Total file size: 43.2 GB, which was also above physical RAM size. Export finished normally, no clear signs of any problem. Processing time reported: 28m7s (some heavy cropping was often used). The ‘In Use’ memory varied 11.6 – 13.0GB, the rest being ‘Cache’ (mostly for RAW files). ‘Commited’ memory size varied in the 13.8 – 15.7 GB range. The two ProcessingCore processes used about 2GB, while the main PL process used 4GB of memory. Behavior was “as expected”, no signs of huge memory leaks.

Sounds like Mac specific problem. Not sure, if all Macs are affected.

I am having the same problem starting after the update.
Your system is running out of memory… it will not render out a job now and will lock up and freeze up. I also have to long-press the powerbutton to force a reboot.

Making it not usable.

Nothing has changed but doing the update.
We are shooting 5 to 6 jobs a week and everything was great but now I can not get a job done with out re-booting over and over. I can not use it like this.

How do I move back to the last version with out messing up all my custom settings.

Other problem is the crop tool no longer works right it will not let me grab the box to change the crop. I need to do it 5 to 6 times till it starts to work and the bottom center crop box I used all the time will not work at all now.

This needs to be fixed right away as I can not use the the program like this. We are right in the middle of our busy time of year editing almost every night.

I am seeing PhotoLab is using about 28 GB RAM as well
I am on a Mac M1 mini.

All other programs I have all still work as normal it was this Photolab update that is killing it.

I am shooting with the Sony A9 III and a Nikon Z6. Been doing the same for months now with no problems till the update.

You could use Time Machine to revert the app bundle.

But, in future, always make a renamed copy before running the update

I wish I had saved a copy of 7.7 but unfortunately I hadn’t. I have “Maximum number of simultaneously processed images” set to 1 until there is a 7.8.1 update to fix the leak. Works well enough for me for now if I restart PhotoLab after a batch render.

Do you not run Time Machine?

No, I’m only backing up my data, not the whole system.

Then might I suggest you, at least, make a copy of any app before updating it?

And do you realise how long it takes to reinstall a computer in case of a disk crash?

I have one SSD, the same size as the main disk, as my Time Machine, which means I can go back to a previous version of anything almost instantly. Then I make a SuperDuper clone every week - this means, in case of failure, all I have to do is boot from the clone to have a working compter again. Finally, all my work is on a separate SSD, with a weekly clone to another disk.

If your work and time is important, things like this are a need, not a “nice to have”


Wise words.

Every day a differential backup image of my OS disk and main data (on SSD) is performed on a second internal “old school” HD.

And every two days, the same backup is also performed on an external USB hard disk at dinner time when no one is using the computer.

And, to be double safe, all my files (OS, application and data) are constantly backed-up in real-time on the cloud with Backblaze with a 30 days history.

Once in a while, I also backup my data files (photos and music) on BD-Rs.

Once a year, data backups (external hard disks and BD-Rs) are moved to another location 100 Km from my main residence (in case of fire, floods, theft, etc).

Just checked my Time Machine says it is not set up.
I had a external HD for it and that drive had failed.

Get yourself an SSD quick and get it working. It just could save your sanity :pleading_face: