PhotoLab 7.8.0 running out of memory

Same here I have opened a ticket and suggest others as well to flag the issue up more - also cropping tool seems broken as well

It was a SSD that failed I had in less then six months. I am now out of space to plug one in. as I have other drives hooked up I work with.

Here is the pop up I got last night when it all locked up and crashed when rendering out.
After reboot I did find that if I render out only 10 images at a time I can make it work this takes a lot longer to sit here working. If I go to even 15 it Lockes up with the pop up.
The crop tool not working right is killing my hand grabbing it over and over till it will start to work. I crop every image so now this turns into thousands of extra hand movement to get the cropping done on a job.

Looks like a bug in memory management.
You should report it.

I have reported it. DxO have confirmed that they are investigating it.

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I had the same problem on PL 6.17, windows 10 crash (laptop) our of the blue… and opened a ticket. It turned out that there were crashes too when DXO wasnt loaded and it later disappeared so presumably after some updates in the brackground (firmware or so) it was solved).
My first assumption was that staorage management i.e. releasing RAM after certain processing was not desinged as state of the art but as storage resident (in order to improve overall performance) … could be furthermore.

it’s best to keep a copy of both last installed and last downloaded, in case you don’t do time machine or backup.

I’m still on 7.6 as 7.7 had some issues and now seems 7.8 also have some issues. I guess i’ll wait again to see when it gets fixed. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Anyone had any joy or update with support on this issue. My ticket hasn’t offered a solution as yet.

I was told “they were starting to investigate it” last Friday. You’d think a bug such as this would have high priority but it’s in the middle of vacation season so half the staff is probably on the beach.

that’s the olympic in France, might be where they went :smiley:

Have we in fact determined that this is a Mac-specific (Mxx cpu specific?) bug?

I’m not experiencing this problem on Windows.

Thanks for the suggestion. I just used time machine to restore v7.7.

Relates to this topic here:

Well, tried denoising just 16 pictures tonight and it seemed fine, so will have to do them in batches.

…I ran 60 images without the warning, but with a second run, swapping got excessive as you can see in my post in the other thread. My usual setting is to export 3-4 images at one time. Images of 12 and 22 Mpixels in a 30:30 mix…

The first run filled about 30 of the 40 GB available RAM and that RAM was not purged whence the export processes had stopped.


Week same here this is getting to hard work. My ticket hasn’t resulted in a fix yet. I do a lot of focus stacks so like to let photolab export batches while. Do other things but anything over about 60 images it cashed the computer. Tried to close photolab between small exports didn’t work so not clearing memory. I will now try and reboot computer between stacks of about 60 images to see if that works. I hope photolab will fix this before they go on holiday

That always worked during my tests on Mac.

Activity monitor can show the processes and how much memory they take. Deleting the XPCCore processes should purge the memory. Also, there is a “purge” terminal command, but I normally don’t use it, and if I do, I do it in

If I force close it works but will try just closing it to see if that works. I have 1800 pictures to export like this - its a pain.

DxO PhotoLab 7.8.1 !

Bug fixes

  • Memory issue at export: Fixed issue where an export with DeepPrime or DeepPrime XD could cause the system to run out of memory.
  • Crash at Start: Resolved an issue that caused the application to crash upon startup in certain scenarios.
  • Crop Tool: Fixed an issue where the crop tool rectangle couldn’t be resized using the side and corner handles.
  • Source Tree: Addressed erratic behavior that occurred when repeatedly clicking on the ‘Recent Searches’ header in the source tree.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

there’s a new 7.8 update?