Nik Upgrade silver efex not applying

With ‘my’ installation procedure
Issues with Nik4 - #8 by Wolfgang

  1. Nik 4 installer erased all versions
    (no more Nik 3.3 / the only option was to keep the settings)
  2. Nik 3.3 installer didn’t erase
    (at least not the renewed SEP3 and Viv3 from Nik 4)

This way, I could ‘revive’ SEP2 and Viv2 from Nik 3.3
[ kind of parallel … ]
Screen Shot 07-23-21 at 04.14 PM
SEP2 from Nik 3.3

Screen Shot 07-23-21 at 04.20 PM
Viv2 from Nik 3.3

All other old modules in Nik 4 were replaced
by the (very same) ones from Nik 3.3
[ no change of installation path ]

Screen Shot 07-23-21 at 04.08 PM
CEP4 from Nik 3.3

inclusive the modern one
Screen Shot 07-23-21 at 04.27 PM
PerspFX from Nik 3.3

I just don’t remember, how they were ‘baptised’ in v4.

Indeed, people not familiar with Nik’s long history might get confused, while the labeling simply
mirrors the different module’s (main) version, all of them “Nik Collection by DxO v3.3 / v4”.