I downloaded Nik Collection 4 from DxO yesterday and installed it onto a PC which has been recently updated to Windows 11.
The Nik Collection wouldn’t work within Photoshop CC, so I attempted to uninstall it and start again, but I got an error message stating “There is an error with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run.” And then within the installer window I got an error status code: 0x80070643.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Is anybody successfully running Nik Collection 4 on Windows 11?
Start by using system restore, and revert to the point in time prior to installing NiK4.
With NiK removed, perform some maintenance.
Elevated command prompt or powershell
chkdsk c: /r
(select “Y”) to run at boot time
Next command:
sfc /scannow
allow this to run, will show no integrity violations found… found corruption and repaired them, or found and cannot repair. (let us know the result)
If no issues are found, continue with .Net Repair. If issues are found and corrected, Restart your system
Hello, I am having the same issue. DXO PL5 has installed successfully, however the Nik Collection tab on the photolibrary compilation is greyed out and hovering over this says “not installed”… Cannot complete an uninstall on Windows 11 as the app does not show up anywhere! Here is the installer log:
[2022-01-08 14:12:56.455] [app] [info] [Utils.cpp:39] Logger ‘app’ registered in folder ‘C:\Users\monus\AppData\Roaming\DxO\Nik Collection\logs\InstallerUtils.log’. Last failed create directory erc 0
[2022-01-08 14:12:56.456] [app] [error] [Installer.cpp:572] Wrong language ID provided, skip processing
[2022-01-08 14:12:56.476] [app] [info] [Utils.cpp:39] Logger ‘app’ registered in folder ‘C:\Users\monus\AppData\Roaming\DxO\Nik Collection\logs\InstallerUtils.log’. Last failed create directory erc 0
[2022-01-08 14:12:56.497] [app] [info] [Utils.cpp:39] Logger ‘app’ registered in folder ‘C:\Users\monus\AppData\Roaming\DxO\Nik Collection\logs\InstallerUtils.log’. Last failed create directory erc 0
My main issue is that I can’t even reach the Windows-App Dialog as the app doesn’t even start up, I just get a message that it can’t run. But it is good to know that you have Nik4 running on Windows 11, so that gives me some hope if I can find a solution to my particular problem.
I didn’t notice this at the time, but when I installed Windows 11 it didn’t create a system restore point (for some reason, this was turned off by default).
I’m also not very confident in how to run the commands you’ve suggested…while I don’t think I’m a complete PC novice I’m probably not quite capable/confident enough to uninstall Windows 11 and then run the commands you’ve suggested.
I really appreciate the reply, but I’m afraid it’s probably beyond my capabilities.
I also once had the problem that a Nie version was not installed correctly, and could only uninstall it this way, restart the system and perform the installation again.
Everyone, I did eventually manage to get rid of the installed Nik Collection - appears it was corrupt but did show up in the installed apps page. I reinstalled the app and everything works very well now!
Thank you so much Guenterm. That did work, and I managed to uninstall Nik Collection fine, and then reinstalled it and that seemed to work.
I’m now getting an error message within Photoshop itself however, which says “Could not complete the Silver Efex Pro 2 command because of a problem with the filter module interface”. Has anyone come across that error message before?