Newcomer Observation

PL does NOT apply ALL adjustments at raw level. Only denoising (and maybe some lens corrections ???).
Everything else seems pixel based, after demosaicing.

@Pat91 Sadly some seem to feel that all that users do here is spread malicious rumours (largely untrue, essentially it isn’t rumours it is the truth, or at least as true as it can be given the paucity of information provided by DxO), argue with one another about this and that (untrue and true) and unleash a lot of negative frustration and angst directed at DxO (absolutely true), even if it is a futile gesture.

I agree with you; I am satisfied with DxO but I have some minor complaints, for example:

  • no communication from DXO for at least 3 years
  • few upgrades fromPL7 to 8
  • comments too verbose, even irrelevant or condescending

Who said this? Since you making such a silly comment in my thread, I can only assume that you referring to my OP. In which, I said nothing of the kind.

There IS a lot of complaining (a butt-l;oad of it repetitive) and whole lot of vitriol. One doesn’t have to look very hard to see it.



When I first saw this topic I was perplexed by your use of the word “vitriol” and considered it excessive.

But only felt compelled to respond to @Joanna’s comment which seemed to echo a post from a DxO employee effectively dismissing much of the negative comments in the forum, because I was particularly disappointed that such a comment came from someone I greatly respect, in the case of @Joanna.

All my responses are targeted at the post, and the person who wrote that post to which I am responding and so far I have not addressed any specifically to you but I know that you will have received all comments as the author of the topic.

But you chose to single out part of a response I made to another user’s post (in your topic). it is your topic after all, so I looked up the word “vitriol”, knowing it to be “caustic”(actually “acidic” as in “oil of vitriol” - sulphuric acid) and up pops

A definition of vitriol

criticism or malice.

Your words, so you are accusing many users of “malice”, the “bitter criticism” I might accept when directed towards DxO but typically not towards other users, except that discussions, particularly over “technical” issues do descend into a to and fro between users.

So the “malicious rumour” you are “spreading” is contained in your own opening statement there is apparently a LOT of vitriol, “bitter criticism/malice” in the posts in the forum

To be honest I do not object to your topic nor your post in the slightest, like many similar posts there is an element of truth in it, I simply don’t see as much of that as you seem to and it is easy to ignore.

My only regret is that I made the post to @Joanna because her post was so close the the DxO post and I don’t consider the issue to be anywhere near as serious as painted by either of those posts nor by your topic.



It wasn’t excessive. It’s my observation. And, thanks for the definition… I know what vitriol means or I wouldn’t have used it. And I didn’t have to look it up.

There are plenty of examples of vitriolic dialogue on this forum. In particular, topics that devolve and become personal for no apparent good reason.

And you referenced no specific post in the post that I questioned (and quoted) you about.




Sorry @PopsInABox I think I included both a “quote” and a userid in all my posts in this topic, I may not have used the post ‘Reply’ option but I did ensure the user was made aware of my response and to what I was making a response.

I am glad you knew what vitriol meant because so did I but I felt that a third opinion might be useful.

I simply don’t see the vitriol you see it is as simple as that, although some posts can be a little curt.

Have a long and happy time editing with DxPL.

You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension. So I’m just gonna leave it be.

I’m sure you’ll respond but this is the last I’ll say on this matter to you. Enjoy.



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The best thing to do is:
But as human error in the brain is most active curiosity…kills the cat…

I think sins covid runs around te world and everyone was sitting on his/her thumbs at home the word empathy is meant less and less.
You see it in traffic on the roads by the actions of drivers, on forums, on every interaction platform or place.

Ive bin here from v1.0 and the dxo staff is posting or reacting less and less sins that covid periode is driven a lot of people to the keyboard.
Maybe due the constant complaining or maybe due the fact they hadden’t any answer to the questions and complains. Who’s knows can write it down.

Most of the long membership people are genuin font of DxOPL but arn’t completely blind for it’s errors and lack improvments to solve those. (edit: Quickly in reasonable time…) On the other hand dxoplv1 to plv8 is a huge step forward to a full blown rawfile editor. And every grow has it’s growingpains.

If any will keep in mind that treath others as you will be liked to be treathed your self is the best way to keep on track, it will be fine out here.
As a very good comedian says being affended doesn’t mean your right…

wrong on the internet

Have fun every one and keep it real.