Newcomer Observation

@Joanna Few are aggrieved “just because”, their expectations may be based upon what they feel they should get for the money they spend on the product and its add-ons.

It wasn’t originally “just” a user forum as you well know and I believe that while DxO want to stay in the shadows they still have the occasional peek.

You a disrespecting forum users in the way I have seen DxO personnel also disrespecting forum users and it is unacceptable from you just as it is from them.

Yes I do post in the forum and some of my posts are critical of the product and DxO but they are accompanied by support requests as should all legitimate queries and complaints.

I will admit that writing about “Unwanted VCs” for the umpteenth time is boring for the readers and frustrating for the writer but could be fixed at a stroke if DxO actually prioritised some of the long standing issues.

Sorry @PopsInABox I just highjacked your post to make another complaint how unforgivable, except if I didn’t care about the product I wouldn’t bother!?