New Licensing in Preparation with PhotoLab 7.7?

Absolutly not.
If you don’t pay DxO again, you will still be able to use your software !
This is difference between subscription and purchase.

I don’t want to rent my car. I want to buy it.
(in fact I don’t have a car. I prefer motorbike. :upside_down_face:)

Sure - but the point I was trying to make was that as software gets developed and generally improved this is included in subscriptions and if you want to do that with DXO you still have to pay more. I’m not saying either way is right or wrong - it depends what you want. It would be interesting to hear from the people that are still on early versions of DXO software and would like to have the latest capabilities but don’t want to re-buy the software (which I think is what you have to do after one (or maybe 2) full upgrade cycles. Technology moves fast and it is difficult to keep up sometimes.

I think they should have concentrated on developing photolab, adding viewpoint in it - which is relevant, and 2 or 3 filmpack functions ; and pureraw as pluggin for other applications.
I’m not sure that spreading out over so many softwares was the most efficient choice for development.
And in the end, all of them are very slow to evolve.
And none of them seems to be based on a modern architecture.

Sad because they have some unique features which could have make them the best raw processing software.

Agreed - it comes over as greedy

What will be, will be.
I’ve got no control over things.

But what I can do, is learn enough about DarkTable that if all the other companies including DxO go along with these ideas, I will continue on with my Open Source program. Probably DxO will continue on as before, but if things go crazy, the choice is “sink or swim”.

For now, I’m not going to worry about this any more. Heck, the entire world as we know it could vanish in one day, and there is no “safe” place to go. That this has “almost” really happened several times is far too scary.

Simply backup your licence out of system directory for desireble version from C:\ProgramData\DxO Labs\Licenses after activation.
Also backup all lens modules from C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\DxO\DxO PhotoLab 7\Modules
I assume you all have installation file of 7.6 version somewhere :upside_down_face:
Just in case, you can backup DxO registry paths too.
As we paid for lifetime usage, so be it.

@equinox Thank you for this post, I am in the process of writing a program in PureBasic to “secure”

  1. The Presets
  2. The database
  3. The config file
  4. I was also going to add the code file to the list

principally to ensure that the data necessary to return to a previous release in the event that a release, major or point release, fails is possible!

Config file location:-

Code file Renaming:-

Currently DxO still fails to uniquely identify every point release program file so I took some PureBasic code I found and added some of my own code and came up with a program that extracts the version from the file and adds that to the release file name, to create a properly versioned copy as shown above.

Your post reminded me that for longer term security more needs to be secured, i.e.

  1. The licenses file. With respect to the licenses do you mean ‘License’ as shown above in the first snapshot or licenses shown here

or both

  1. Essentially the contents of C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\DxO=, i.e.

which includes the ‘Presets’, the ‘Modules’ and the associated CAFList7.db, ‘WaterMarks’ and ‘WebSpaces’. I think that the ‘Backup’ directory shown is as a consequence of my testing a version of the program I described above.

So the PhotoLab “Secure” strategy would be to run the DxO Rename program before downloading the new code file and then run the program again immediately to avoid any danger of losing the file.

Then run the Secure program to backup (secure) all the items in the list(s) above. Arguably it should then be possible to go back a release albeit any images edited with the new release will have modified DOPs and they will potentially not be used by earlier releases.

“Potentially” is “definitely” between major releases and I believe it can also happen between point releases but I am not convinced that happens between every point release.

If the DOPs are needed they could be backed up before use with the new release and/or the version stamps within the files could be modified, providing a new feature has not been used, i.e. it would not necessarily be recognised by a previous release.

Been using PL 7.8.0 for a while, got ‘infected’ with this presumingly new licencing stuff. Went back to PL 7.7.2. and all good now.

Are you sure 7.7.2 still uses the old licensing system? The release notes of 7.7.1 write about the server connection being required every month.

@obetz ; apologies are mine to hand you; was under the assumption 7.7.2 would do the ‘trick’, but no, got the same message after a while. Currently downgraded to 7.6.0 and will see if this one keeps away from it. If not, I will step down one further. Again, my apologies.

Running DPL from version 7.1 and up in DEMO mode, I found that DPL asked to register when I ran 7.1 (expected) and then again around 7.4/5/6 (change of database) and then again with 7.7, which is the first version that uses an encrypted license file. Earlier releases used a license file that e.g. stored the license key in clear text.

There seems to be more than one reason to re-register the license, at least in DEMO mode. I don’t know if this is also the case with a licensed copy.

Disclaimer: DPL on macOS 15 Beta (Sequoia) DPL versions 6 and 7 seemed to work as expected. I did not test thoroughly, therefore, you have to take the above as a “maybe” rather than the the “real thing”, which will change with every update of either DPL or macOS anyways…

Since I went back to 7.5 (win) on my computer that is not connected to the internet,
I have not received any notification regarding the 37 days or having to connect to the internet.

So far, everything is working as it should.

They promised a complete transfer of the catalog from lightroom, then it turned out that the catalog in their system is broken. then on my version 23 they did nothing to fix it and sold the program with a defect. capture one - goodbye, even with a license or with a subscription ))) let someone else step on the rake twice.