'Multiple Images Selected' Warning

It is very useful to be able to select several images and apply global or local adjustments to all of them. However, it can also cause havoc, as I have discovered on several occasions. My workspace has the Image Browser on a second monitor and sometimes I forget to look to see I have not left multiple images selected from a previous operation before applying new adjustments.

So my request is for a warning, perhaps under the central Tool Bar at the top of the main window, that says something like “Warning - Multiple images selected”.

Been asked for many times. As I know as well it can a pain deleting one only to see the lot go!

You should, as I just did, vote for your own proposal.

I am new here and didn’t know that I could vote for my own suggestions. Thanks for the tip.

I asked it too, more than one year ago.

And guess what? It was completely ignored. It shouldn’t be too difficult a feature to implement (1 hour of coding?), and I agree that it would be very useful because I have often made your same mistake.

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