Monitor gamut warning

I have a (hardware calibrated) Dell monitor that, if the X-Rite software (used for the hardware calibration) is to be believed, can display the Adobe RGB colour space. Until now I’ve only used PL5, I never even trialled PL6, so the wide gamut working space and the soft-proofing features are new to me

I have an image that has some bits lit by strong, artificial, red lighting. If I look at this image in PL7 (trial) and do nothing except:

  1. apply the default settings of ‘DxO Style - Natural’, which means PL7 defaults to DxO’s wide gamut working space
  2. turn on the ‘monitor gamut warning’
    then some of the red lit areas are highlighted as ‘out of gamut’. I’m not surprised by that.

If I then turn on soft-proofing, set to Adobe RGB, I expected PL7 to ‘manage’ the out of gamut reds to bring them into the Adobe RGB gamut, and thus within the capabilities of my monitor, and so I expected to see a shift in the colour of the out-of gamut reds.

However, there is no visible change in these reds. Why?

Beware on Conversion Intent ; Perceptual or Relative colorimetric mode.


I don’t see that that is relevant to my question. Rendering intent merely defines how out of gamut colours are managed to be within gamut. In both cases (perceptual or relative) out of gamut colours will shift, just in different ways.

My question is why am I not seeing any shift at all?

I suspect the problem is that I’m misunderstanding what the soft-proof feature is doing.


Aren’t the changes in the red too subtle to be seen directly ?


My understanding is that soft proofing - generically, not just in PL - is intended to simulate how colour and contrast will appear (usually on a given paper stock). It won’t bring hues into a given gamut. That would be up to you. Soft proofing is just a way of checking things out, to guide you in your image manipulation for a given output…


@Pieloe Perhaps

@roj Thanks, I’ve finally found the relevant bit of the PL7 manual and having read that it does seem the problem is that my expectation of soft-proofing tool is incorrect.


About Soft Proofing …

at the RHS check for → Preserve color details / Intensity

Maybe get this test picture (allow download or see → here … ), which is in ProPhoto color space,
and if needed you convert it into AdobeRGB.

For some ‘description’ → see ….

About your monitor

check (or better try) if you can also calibrate to “Native”,
which then might cover something wider than ARGB, e.g. some part of P3

Done that, my Dell monitor is hardware calibrated to its ‘native’ gamut. As far as I can make out, it covers all of Adobe RGB.

What software did you use to create the screen shot comparing gamuts?

That’s part of iColor Display software for my former Quato 262ex
(Quato is ‘out of business’ since a while).

Hmm, yes, it doesn’t seem to be available for download anywhere.

ALSO, the way that PL works, Rendering Intent applies ONLY when the ICC Profile is for a CMYK target - - that is; NOT for any of the screen-display RGB targets (such as sRGB, ProPhoto RGB, etc)

  • The UI layout (which should hide/disable the Intent option when the ICC Profile is for a RGB target) makes this confusing - I have reported this to DxO … but without any action, as yet !

Instead, for RGB targets, PL applies an algorithm that’s managed by the Preserve Color Details intensity slider.


And I would also like to stress my point of view: don’t obsess over not having “out of gamut” colours when soft proofing. Take it as “extra info”. But if some colours go out of gamut… well, live with it. I have a very saturated style of photography, and most of the times I have out of gamut colours since I am forced to export to sRGB for web use (and even for some printing services!). And it’s OK to me.

An example of a photo which goes WILDLY out of gamut when exported to sRGB… and yet, it doesn’t look too bad with PL7, doesn’t it?

Yes, this is how all soft proofing works. It shows you the areas out of gamut and then you can adjust to bring them into gamut. It is important to remember that with all soft proofing it merely indicates that a colour is “out of gamut” but not by how much, a little or a lot.