Mike Myers R.I.P

I just heard that we have lost one of our most prolific contributors. Having not heard from Mike for some time, since he went to India for his yearly volunteering trip, I did a bit of searching and, much to my sadness, found this tribute…


I too would like to pay tribute to a man who, through his constant questioning, taught me so much in terms of answers to my students’ questions.

Most of all, I can never thank him enough for introducing me to back button focusing which, after over 50 years of photography, was a revelation and changed how I take photos for the better.

God bless you Mike.


Thanks for letting us know Joanna

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:astonished: Oh, that is sad.

Mike’s contributions here were ‘interesting’, or should that be infuriating? Yet despite the frequent put downs he got by way of response to his questions, he never gave up.

Negative feedback never phased him, he was always desperate to learn. That sounds like something we could all learn from Mike.


Thanks for telling. Me too wondered why we didn’t hear from him.


Thanks for the update Joanna - sad news.

As Stuck says, Mike never let any “negative” comments about his posts diminish his positivity and enthusiasm to learn.

Perhaps we should view the “Share your images & chat” category as Mike’s legacy and memorial in the DxO forum world.


That’s for sure.


@joanna: Thank you for following up and sharing with the forum group.

My heart and prayers go out to Mike’s family and friends.

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Thanks for the information, Joanna. May he rest in peace. Mikes posts always stirred quite a bit of interesting discussions. I login very infrequently nowadays but I always checked out his posts.


Thank you @Joanna for sharing the information.

May our good thoughts and tributes reach him wherever he is now :pray:t4:


Joanna Thank you for the information.
Although I never interacted much with Mike I learned a lot about photography and PhotoLab by following his questions and their discussions in the forum.
He is missed. He is at peace

Thank you Joanna. Mike seemed a gentle soul.

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Oh this is sad. I didn’t know. Thanks Joanna for letting us know. RIP Mike.

Thank you Joanna.

That’s indeed sad news.

I did notice he haven’t been around but thought he had gone on a journey with his many cameras.

You can’t beat him in his life long journey of learning photography.

Take care and good by Mike!

Thank you very much for the information, Joanna.

Mike may rest in peace.

Here, he has long been the “lumieres” side trying to understand and adapt, lost in a “Melies” country.

He was always very present, sometimes annoying, stubborn, but ultimately endearing, and we’ll miss him.

Goodbye Mike Myers, see you later.


Thank you for letting us know Joanna. This is the first time I have looked in to this forum for a long time only to spot this sad news “may he rest in peace.” As stuck, has said, ‘interesting’ ‘inspiring, my words’ and certainly infuriating at times. I would always remember the photograph he took of the roots at the base of a tree, which to me showed a face and reminded me of when all the trees came to life in ‘The Lord of the Rings’. I feel that picture very interesting. Thanks once again Joanna for posting your diligence in finding out what happened to Mike.

Oh Joanna, that went very fast. Too fast!
I start to begin to understand that I will turn 75 the next time mostly that people starts to die more and more frequently around me.

For now I think I might feel a little bit too god for my best which is kind of ominous. I don´t have the slightest feeling of any pain from osteoarthritis and other pain-inducing agents as many around me have and I ought to have too, so, I´m just waiting for something to hit me really hard and bad, so I get a little bit more age appropriate.

The faith of both my father and grandfather was brain tumors,

I will miss Mike a lot and his energy and i hope he didn´t have to suffer to much. It reminds me also that I have to be better to keep in contact with my old friends that are still alive before it is too late.

Strange, it is just a few months since Mike posted his lovely picture with an airliner just crossing the edge of the bright full moon he saw from his balcony, with a totally black background . I will always remember Mike with a little help of that picture that for me was very Mike. That shot just must have to have been a once in a life time shot even for Mike.


Rest in peace Mike.

Very sad news, I assumed his absence from the forum was due to his visit to India. Mike clearly did good work in India, as borne out by the testimonial from the Aravind Eye Hospital. Mike was a stalwart member of the forum whose presence will be missed, RIP Mike.

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Patrik, even I thogh he went to India and were fully buzy there. It was the last I think I heard from him here.