Issue with color management PL7

Initially sRGB,

I now experiment with different profiles.
“Same as Soft Proofing” seems to make a difference. Testing is going on at the moment.

Yes … Also suggest you set Soft Proofing on, and leave it on … (this is the best way to work when your output is to digital image file) … then you’ll be seeing exactly what you’ll be getting - - assuming you have correct ICC Profile specified in Soft Proofing.

in FRV color management is disabled - so naturally the results you are facing …

“Same as Soft Proofing” seems to have solved the issue. Same goes for ticking the “Enable Color Management” in Fast Raw Viewer. My images do come out as seen on PL screen in different software - including tif in “Microsoft Photos”.

I checked all my software and ticked respective choices to enable color management and soft proofing along the workflow.

I thank all of you again for your assistance. It is marvelous to be member of this community. I hope I too could be helpful for someone.

Suggestion to DxO: Pls. supply a webinar or other training about color management.
Now back to work!

Regards from Finland, the land of Santa Claus


Take care with browser too. Some are color managed, some not. FF by example is color managed but you’ve to turn it on. If they didn’t change it.


Hi Klaus,
should you like to delve further …
[ my post (part of a reply) got stuck there, but concerns Windows ]

Not every program / viewer can fully handle color management.
If everything is properly set up the preview then shows the right color,
but not necessarily the so-called thumbnails.


Hi Wolfgang,
I’d be glad to continue discussion and experience exchange regarding color management. It sure is not my strongest skill in photography so anything will improve.


Yes, feel free to ask questions … as long I can help. :slight_smile:

It’s an old one but still ok Jeffrey Friedl's Blog » Digital-Image Color Spaces, Page 1: Introduction
On page 2 you can test if your browser is color managed.


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Good to hear you’ve solved your problem/issue, Klaus.

I really strongly recommend that you take this approach …

Perfect example of an unfinished color management workflow, and that DxO should publish video tutorials to fully utilize the softproofing feature.

You should have choice of rendering intent when export and that you export in a small colorspace like sRGB. and Softproofing requires that you know what you are doing, but most importantly that the software knows it!

If you softproof it is either because you want to save to a smallcolorspace (equivalent to “convert to profile” in Photoshop. A mandatory step is you want true color fidelity. Even if I recognise a perceptual rendering intent when, by default, DPL export in sRGB from a raw file, I would like to have the choice of “relative” during export, and to have a clearer process.

The most important case of softproofing is for printing. Printing with HDR inks offer a bigger gamut than AdobeRGB, let’s take advantage of that. Then you softproof against a simulation of Ink/paper (contained in an ICC profile) to have a print that is as faithful as possible to the image you see on your calibrated wide gamut-ready monitor.

One of the best ressource is Luminous-Landscape old but still unequalled today set of videos from Digital to Print, with the late Michael Reichmann and Iconic Jeff Schewe. I have fond memory of this era of early digital photography. Camera to Print & Screen (C2PS) - Luminous Landscape
LuLa lost itself along the way after the passing of Michael and the shitty transmission to his son, but still have very good articles and an unrivalled legacy of articles if you truly want to improve (The videos are reasons enough to try for a year at least).

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As shown and discussed in detail there is still a bug in the GUI.

The rendering intents perceptual & relative only work with printing
and one can also choose to simulate paper & ink.

For to export e.g. to sRGB, one can simulate the color space conversion,
adjust the Preserve color details slider, judge on screen
and use the export option Same as Soft Proofing.


With Soft Proof it is recommended to use a virtual copy when adjusting color etc.,
trying the (expected) output to match the master file as good as possible.
In the second case (using the PCD slider) that’s not necessary,
no obstacle for standard exports / conversions.


Maybe it’s time to add ‘true’ HDR to the color management discussion/issue. Adobe is adding workflows to produce images that can be viewed on newer HDR TVs, phones/tablets and computer monitors (and on SDR displays). It’s still early days for this, but it seems useful to be forward-thinking as more HDR displays become available. Here’s a reasonable concise discussion of the issue: Lightroom’s HDR Display Features Explained

When can we expect DxO to add this option to PL7 (or PL8)? (I think DxO may have already done much of the interior plumbing for this.)

HDR is a matter of contrast and only works on displays, but could be a possibility for online content. – As far as I can see, high contrast is “helpful” with glossy screens and reflective room light, quite common in TV setups.

Not to shoot it down, but my personal goal is printing.

Printing papers being reflective media cannot reproduce such high contrast. To preview the expected print output on the screen without guessing, I’ve reduced the brightness of my screen to 80 cd/m² and limited the contrast to 500:1, while working in a more or less controlled environment. It’s also less stressful on my eyes. :slight_smile:

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Given that after all these years standard colour management issues still abound, worrying about HDR at this stage is perhaps not a priority.

Yes, HDR is really just applicable to (some) displays, and isn’t of current interest to some of us. Of course that’s similar to the fact that some folks print only in B&W and so have no interest in color management. I expect HDR will be of interest to a growing number of professional and amateur photographers, so is something that should be of interest to DxO in their quest for market share.

In DXO’s quest for market share how would you rate the priority of catering for a currently virtually non existent market compared to:
i) Adding pano & HDR capability
ii) Mask feathering/refining
iii ) An auto brush that actually showed the selection it is making
iv) Able to add a filled mask to avoid the kludge of pushing a Control Line passed the image boundary
v) Curves available as a local adjustment
vi) AI masking similar to ON1 and Capture One
vii ) Improved curves tool with histogram, on image adjustment and resizeable UI
viii) Mobile phone support
ix) User assigned keyboard shortcuts
x) Style/adjustment brushes similar to Capture One


I think DxO desperately need to fix all the major issues including most of these before moving on to the next version. I suspect a lot of people have not upgraded to 7 which is why DxO are desperately advertising and offering a chance to win a camera!


Thank you for these links. Love Reichmann since almost 20 years. Miss him since he is long gone.

Thank you Wolfgang, the procedure is not what I would have liked but it can help do softproof and make decent prints. Makes me want all the more an updated Printing module (much needed).