Is FujiFilm X-Trans support for PureRaw just vaporware now?

Just paid for a useless upgrade. What a dumb move from my part!!

Yeah they don’t exactly highlight compatibility issues when they take you to the shopping cart!

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I wonder if they’ll make the year.

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Is it not more likely that it will appear in the next version of PureRAW, i.e. in Spring 2025, and then in PL9 in Autumn 2025?

Maybe, but I have just acquired a Nikon Z8 and because there’s no option for uncompressed RAW file output any longer (and this includes the z9 as well) there’s no support for lossless compressed files in Pure RAW. So now I understand that this is a niche product and I will need to look elsewhere for denoising options.

I wouldn’t call it useless, 4 has better control over the image than 3 did, in particular being able to preserve a little noise is actually nice for X-Trans, as the processing with no controls can be overly aggressive. And a much better interface overall.

But this “soon” support for XD2 is getting very old indeed, and definitely hurts the value in what we paid.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Sorry, couldn’t stop laughing. What a strange logic, not even wrong.

Well, on my Z8 I have ‘Image quality’ set to ‘RAW’ and ‘RAW recording’ set to ‘Losslessly compressed’. It works. But maybe, by some magic, you have X-Trans sensor in your Z8? Thank you for having a good laugh.

Confused by reply. I was pointing out that PR4 does not work with other camera models besides Fuji.

Yes, well I fell for the trap of upgrading without checking support for Fuji. Asked for a refund but they were not interested. Last time I’ll buy anything from DxO.

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They have pushed it as coming soon but there is nothing soon about this. DxO really should stand up and provide an update; many may have purchased on the back of that expectation. It may be that there are tech reasons why it has not been delivered (and perhaps never will be) and if so we should be told. If in the final analysis it just cannot be achieved then I am happy using what we have. Not all will share this view I suspect.

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Yes, this is not correct. As a former developer I can fully understand that some technical issues may prevent quick progress regarding the adaptation of DX2/S to the the X-Trans matrix.

What I cannot accept is the lack of information about this problem and the lack of apologies for those Fujifilm users who upgraded in the hope of getting a fix for the artefact issues existing with DeepPrime XD and got nothing for the price. I don’t like the idea of paying for being too confident.

Given the “coming soon” statement published when PR 4 was released, if the support for X-Trans only comes with version 5, this will be considered a casus belli.

The marketing management at DxO continues to be provocative. They’ll have to chose between hiring a new marketing manager or losing old and loyal customers.

I know, this is not the first time that this complaint is expressed here but I guess that this will continue until they show some respect for their customers and provide official statements about the future of this development.


I have chosen not to update Photolab this year because of this missing feature. It’s not cool to not give a date.

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I fully agree. I’m still on PhotoLab 6 and will not upgrade any longer because DxO’s business practices have gone from bad to worse. I am willing to bet that full X-TRANS support in PR will either not come at all or in the form of a paying upgrade to PR5. If and when that happens, it will be a final mail in the coffin of my relationship with DxO. Not one cent of my money is going to DxO until I get what I have already paid for. I am also a customer of Adobe, ON1, Luminar, and a couple of smaller companies. and no one has less respect for the customers than DxO. I’m utterly fed up with these guys.

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Happy new year both western AND lunar, now we’re in February with no xtrans XD2 support.


At this point, I think you will have to wait until the release of PureRAW 5. While it is strictly a guess on my part , based upon 8 years of experience using DXO’s products, I believe DxO will also update PureRAW 4 with x-trans support at the same time.


You’re optimistic. This is the first time that they announce a feature as “coming soon” and that nothing has been released almost one year later, without publishing any information about it. This gives us an idea about how they view customer respect but it’s also worrying.

More generally, I must say that I’m rather uneasy about the lack of information from DxO since a while. No update, no communication aimed at customers, no presence (even minimal) on the forum… The most recent product update was about 2 months ago (DPL). DxO looks like a dead star these days.


They must all be skiing in Chamonix. They have earned it.

Really!? If they do that there is no incentive for current users to spend money on PR5. Based on my observations of how DxO market their products I just can’t see them doing that.

Similarly, I can’t such an update ever being released for PL8. It’s far more likely to be one of the ‘new’ features of PL9.

Of course, I’d be delighted to be proved wrong and see your optimism come to fruition.