Florida Everglades visit with a Nikon D2h

When I’m right he showed several images with this lens. Beside that, if the lens wasn’t supported then that will influence optical corrections only. I’ve seen many pictures with unsupported or missing lens modules. I think something else is going on.

I also tried PL1, same result


Well, the compatibility list shows…

I still think Mike should submit a request to Suggestion de boîtier / module - DxO

I saw the same list. The camera is for the demosaicing, the lens for the optical correction.
The camera is mentioned so the image should be demosaiced.


Naw, these photos are from 20 years ago, before PhotoLab existed.

I think for my old images, I’ll just a different image editor. Problem eliminated.
DxO probably has many more important things to work on than 20-year old cameras and lenses.

As for Lenses, my Leica cameras have no idea what lens is mounted, or the focus, or the aperture. There is no connection between the camera body and the lens. It’s all manual.

No complaints from me, there are work-arounds for almost anything.

No, it does not. The purpose of filmic is something completely different.

Thanks for pointing that out.

My first goal is to watch a few more of the 'beginner" videos, and then follow through with editing an image while watching a training video.

I’m not ready yet to even think about “filmic”; will eventually learn what it is/does.

“Later today” changes to “later tomorrow”, then “later the next day”, with my watching two or three training videos every evening. I’m just now beginning to understand some of the basics. It took me a year until PhotoLab made sense to me, and that was back with PL3. By September, I want to be “fluent” in using this new (to me) software, but I don’t want to discuss it much in this forum. Thank you!

Yet another topic which has nothing to do with PhotoLab.

Umm, neither is your post anything to do with Photolab