Like the new preference to disable the “Infowindow on mouseover” (Info-window on mouseover) I want a preference to see all disabled menu-items.
Since there are so many ways to enhance the functionality of photolab (starting with the essential/elite version, adding with the different viewpoint and Film Pack versions and ending up with the nik collection), the overview of all gets very difficuilt, even by reading the manual.
So if I could switch on switch to see all unusable menu-items (maybe greyed out) and a hint on mouesover which pack I have to buy.
Without seeing, I don’t know, what I’m missing, or what the tipps from other users mean.
The other discussion would be: can you change the system: Why must I buy a (not used) full-priced stand-alone version of a software only to get some minor new controllers in my favourite software?
Hi there,
Comparing options and/or add-ons (like plugins) shouldn’t be done in-app. The software is your tool, with options, workspaces, shortcuts and customization available in many areas. As a user, this becomes “your space”, “your software”…and for this reason “showing/promoting/describing” features that you could have (buying FP or VP for example), can’t be integrated just next to the available tools in PhotoLab, this is perceived as a “violation of private property”. Let’s imagine that next to your favorite couch, in your TV room, there is a sofa you can’t use, taking up space and it’s just there to remind you that you could add this nice furniture to your room…Would you accept it?
Now, speaking about the “why I have to buy a stand alone version” just to “add some new controllers”…
What is exactly the issue here? Are you saying that if you own VP, we shouldn’t also add its features directly in PhotoLab? Or that buying the standalone VP is superfluous because at the end "we just add a few options to PhotoLab? I’m puzzled…
I’m guessing that some people only use the Viewpoint and FilmPack features available in PhotoLab itself, and rarely if ever run the stand alone versions. Perhaps they would rather not have applications installed they do not use and would expect purchasing only those features available in PhotoLab to be less expensive.
I never use VP as standalone but only in DPL. FP I like to use standalone because of the previews - it is much faster to switch from one film to the next one. on the other hand - in DPL I have the advantage on being able to work on raw-files.
Comparing options and/or add-ons (like plugins) shouldn’t be done in-app. The software is your tool, with options, workspaces, shortcuts and customization available in many areas. As a user, this becomes “your space”, “your software”…and for this reason “showing/promoting/describing” features that you could have (buying FP or VP for example), can’t be integrated just next to the available tools in PhotoLab, this is perceived as a “violation of private property”. Let’s imagine that next to your favorite couch, in your TV room, there is a sofa you can’t use, taking up space and it’s just there to remind you that you could add this nice furniture to your room…Would you accept it?
I agree with you, therefore was my suggestion only to add an menu item to enable this “showing/promoting/describing”. - But it’s okay so.
I also never use VP or FP as stand-alones. Is there any advantage to using them as stand-alones besides being faster? Is there some feature that is not available as a plug-in to PL that is available in the stand-alone? Only working on TIFFs and JPEGs is certainly a disadvantage and any speed advantage would seem to be negated by the use of mwsilver’s(thanks for those BTW) presets for PL.
I tried using them as stand-alones on a couple of occasions but couldn’t see any advantage to doing so. I suspect use of the stand-alones may be more common for those people who don’t use Photolab as their primary post-processing software.