Hello @Wolfgang
I’m sorry, maybe I did not get your point?
If you chose the export option “DNG optical corrections & denoise ONLY” why would you expect any other correction applied than optical corrections & denoise?
If you want more corrections to be applied, choose “DNG - All corrections expect Color Rendering”
I just double-checked, the crop as part of the Distoriosn correction is also applied, for the export “DNG optical corrections & denoise only" according to the settings chosen in the distorion palette. You might want to select the option “constrain to image” like shown in the screenshot above. This will be the equivalent ´to what has been used in the past. Those options have been added with PhotoLab 6.3.1
However, any other crop will not be applied with this export option.
Prior to PL6 it was common that the crop function was activated.
It’s still in the standard preset. All the other presets don’t have the crop activated.