I’m furious at how frequently DxO products (I have bought almost all of them, Elite versions) which in generally I like using and appreciate, refuse to start up saying they cannot validate my activation (license) on that machine.
I have 3 PCs at different locations for various reasons, and this seems to happen randomly: on some PC but not others, despite all of them being updated pretty much at the same time, both OS and applications.
On the same PCs I also have Capture One and Photo Mechanic (and various other non-Photo software): this issue virtually only ever happens with DxO.
Sometime I plan to use a PC at a certain location, only to discover at the very last minute that I can’t use the software I paid for, because DxO apparently can’t figure out a way to reliably tell if they know the computer that’s connecting to them.
What makes it far more infuriating is the fact that the only remedy is to issue a ticket requesting re-activation with lots of details (so basically, they assume the user is a scammer), without allowing the user to deactivate a license by themselves. This for instance is possible with Capture One (perpetual license), even though the issue only ever happened once with it, on one PC, after a major HW and SW update.
The support reps on average take 24 hours to reply. So for a full day each time this annoyance happens, I’m unable to use the products I paid for. This is particulary infuriating when it happens on weekends, when I planned that little free time I have available to attend to my photography evolution.
This is almost a deal breaker, and I’m seriously considering never buying anything again from DxO for this reason.
How hard can it be to either use the HW (MAC) address of the network interface, or at the very least, allow the user to manage their activations?!?!