Well, 14/41 was a compromise, as I didn’t know how to make it better.
For 6/41, I thought it was interesting, but I didn’t like the photo. The ultra-wide-angle lens distorted the photo too much. It’s from my Nikon Df with a 24mm lens - was very careful to remove any obvious distortion.
I re-opened the original. Now I can see some potential in the image, where before it looked like a dead end street to me. So, I re-edited it, using the tools I’ve recently learned. To add structure to the. dark areas, I think I first need to lighten them, and nothing I tried worked for me, so I did it just a little, cropped a little more, changed the watermark to match something in the image, and now I’ve got something I like MUCH more. Amazing! Your suggestion made a gigantic difference.
Any more suggestions?
_MJM2169 | 2020-12-25-Biscayne Jet Ski and Miami.nef (19.7 MB)
_MJM2169 | 2020-12-25-Biscayne Jet Ski and Miami.nef.dop (13.6 KB)
Added later - it looks much nicer on my calibrated ASUS display, and it looks MUCH nicer in a larger scale so I can actually see all the details.