I reported this first thing this morning. Work in IT industry. Had a feeling it wasn’t me.
Now my original post is gone or removed. Svetlana, was it moved?
I also tried a repair (which cannot be performed) .msi missing. And finally uninstall, reinstall. No dice.
You’ll need to reinstall the last version. (Which I did and that works). BTW, if anyone needs the previous version, I have every build released since 1.1 archived.
Glad to see it has visibility now. I’m sure the issue will be resolved quickly.
For what it’s worth, I installed the update on my Windows 10 machine, running version 2.3, this morning and it updated with no issues. My machine also has all available Windows 10 updates installed.
Did you open the program and when prompted to update run the download, or did you close PL, visit the downloads section, download the latest build and install that way?
It matters as the installers could be compiled differently? I know for certain what I downloaded (stand alone) package didn’t work. Not even a fresh install. No errors, no issues, but the software would not start or run once it completed. I’m going to download it again and upgrade. Will report my results shortly.
Hi Rick - - A few comments on the issue you reported.
I must have been one of the first to have installed the new 2.3.1 version (being in Australia gives me a time advantage). I know I got it early 'cos I did some work with PL 2.3 - then closed the app and re-opened it a few hours later - and was then presented with the update notice).
My environment is exactly the same as yours - as you advised here … but I had no problem with the installation. I downloaded the upgrade when prompted by PL 2.3. One difference, perhaps, is that I did a reboot before I installed the new version.