This is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
Thanks for the info
We can say that a drone is basically a geo-positioned tripod in the air
This is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!
Thanks for the info
We can say that a drone is basically a geo-positioned tripod in the air
I’m still (let’s say again) with Monterey and all PL6 versions are working fine and fast.
Who dare to test macOS 13.3.1 and PL6.5 and give us a feedback?
PS: A comment from DxO is welcome! If not, it should mean that they don’t care about.
Indeed, a comment from DxO would be very welcome but DxO rarely say anything on this forum these days so don’t hold your breath waiting for one. However, their lack of comment doesn’t mean they don’t care, it just means they are not bothered by the fact their lack of comment leaves a strong impression that they don’t care. I realise that is a subtle distinction but I believe it better reflects how DxO actually operate.
The cast can still be seen, depending on image characteristics. Not all images show the ominous cast difference between DP and DPXD output. Some don’t, some do - and its mostly visible in darker and/or neutral grey areas.
DP output tends to be slightly brighter and greener, while DPXD output often has a magenta-ish cast. Tested with 60 images taken by two Canon bodies using different lenses and DPL (set to use ANE) on M1 MacBook Air 2020. Processing two passes, one with NoCorrection plus DP and one with DPXD instead of DP.
Yes, MacOS13.3.1, PL 6.4.0 build 47 Elite
Still having this issue. In the middle split on the photo, the left side is DeepPrime XD, and the right side is just a simple DeepPrime. Both are processed with a neural engine.
Yeah, this company can improve a lot just by participating in their clients’ conversations. Especially in the most viewed and most commented bug topic of this forum.
Great that DeepPrime is working properly at least. You might like to try blowing up the pictures with Gigapixel AI and then downsizing them again, since you like detail enhancement Maxim.
The left side also shows the concentric rings that get introduced. Those are also present in the GPU version, you can spot them clearly when Helicon Focus is processing a stack and is showing a greyscale high-contrast version.
MacOS13.3.1, PL 6.5.1 build 49 Elite
The problem is still there.
Even on DeepPrime processed with Neural Engine.
Green tint and weird pixelation.
MacOS13.3.1, PL 6.5.1 build 49 Elite
DeepPrime XD processed with Neural Engine.
Purple tint and weird pixelation. Circular artifacts.
@maxim.mixam Would you agree to share the raw file in order to process it on MacOS12.6.5 (Monterey) and to compare the results with both Neural Engine and M1GPU?
It’s just a free sample raw photos from here 138 Free RAW Photos & Files: Download to Practice Editing
The photo could be found in the “Canon CR2 RAW Files” section.
Thank you @maxim.mixam, I’ll post some results a bit later.
Very thorough testing!
So with the latest version of MacOS, we are getting the worst result of rendering on Neural Engine. Nice =)
I trust you used the same settings throughout except for NR. Please add a DOP sidecar or something to document the settings. I’d like to see what I’ll get in other apps. As of now, both NR modes seem to be off, DP even more than DPXD!