I have been trying to understand how to customize the menu system in PL4. I did that in PL3 by creating specific tabs and ordering the items in those tabs as I wished, but I am not sure if I can create that kind of custom menu in PL4.
All that I have been able to do is to select items within the existing tabs as Favorites and thus show only them by clicking on the Favorites icon, but that requires that I switch from tab to tab in processing images. Is it possible to create a new tab with only those items I want in it? Or do the PL4 menus require me to move from tab to tab?
I have looked for a tutorial on this but not found one.
I assume by tabs you mean palettes. You can create custom palettes and custom workspaces the same way you did in PhotoLab 3,.assuming you have the Elite edition of PhotoLab…
First you create your palettes, then drag in tools in the order you want them, and finally save your current configuration with a workspace name.
Yes, and I did that, but I assumed there might be some way to create a new icon at the top of the pallet location, similar to the ones that PL4 provided (light, color, detail, etc) that I could then add entries to. That is what I assumed the talk of custom menus meant.
The existing method of just adding entries to the Favorites does not seem very helpful as I still have to end up switching between the top icon selections to do processing and I have to try to remember which adjustment is in which category. And if I use the PL3 custom menu that I created and saved as a Workspace, then I find that when I need to use something that is not in it I have to first switch to the standard workspace and then switch back to the saved workspace, and that seems like a lot of unnecessary mouse movement.
I just assumed there was some easy way to do this and that I just did not see it.
The workspace filtering is static in this first iteration. There will be changes to it which will allow more customization, and some of those changes will likely be in point updates to PL4. There is no specific timeframe.
What I ended up doing was creating a basic Essentials workspace with the stuff I normally use. That includes Horizon, Exposure, Smart Lighting, Selective Tone, Clear View, Accentuator, HSL and a couple of other items. I then added every other item in each category as Favorites for that category.
I knew that if I was in the custom workspace and clicked on the category I wanted the display would switch to the selected category. What I did not know until this morning is that if I clicked on the category again it would switch back to the custom workspace, and that solves the biggest problem for me, so this does seem to work well now that I have some idea of what I am doing.