Your Black and White Photographs only (no deviation)

just archive not specific DxO runthrough. 1966.

some nik Se filter 19:

(reminds me in still need to rearange my archive. (was halfway which is the worst place to be after a wile of pauze… )


Thank you for coming back and showing more!

To me, you have chosen an appropriate format how to present ‘images’ from a play, while (of course) it’s not possible to follow the story. But you describe the atmosphere, the theater goer will be experiencing. And these pics belong together, they ‘support’ each other.

The last one could be for an announcement, leaving space for titles and such. Did you also consider something in portrait orientation for a poster display, something like a billboard disruptor always been in the way to draw attention?

Hi Peter,
the first two pics seem to be memories and the last two are classical subjects for B&W – nice.

I sent 2 series (BW and color) to the director, and wait for his response about which he will choose and for what purpose.
Then I will probably reframe them for this purpose. I don’t use zoom, I prefer little reframing but having better sharpness. Many of them offers different framing possibilities.

Hi Wolfgang,
Yes, first two are taken by my dad with a dia 8x8 rolleiflex in 1966.
They are digitalized and cleaned in dxo.

B&W subjects, almost any interesting frame can be powered by a good rendered black and white aslong there arn’t moderntime related things in it which remind you in which time it’s taken. Then the magic is gone and it’s just a converted shot. :smile:

Thanks for the complement.