Your Black and White Photographs only (no deviation)

Taken in a schoolyard some time ago,
kids running around, playing football or hula hopp,
been photographed – and ‘pestered’ by best friends.

Nikon D800 + 85mm ← // → Edit in PS + Viveza 2

SilverEfexPro 2

BTW – still today, I prefer it’s simple UI to other solutions.


High key crockery

Processed in PL5 + FP6 Adox CHS™ 100 II


A bit for fun (and to participate …) .
A photo taken in July 1988 near Perros-Guirec (Brittany / France) with a Pentax Spotmatic on an Ilford FP4 film.
Copied the negative (in RAW) with a macro lens.
Edited in PL5: inversion of the tone curve, some other tweaks. Then “rendering” with FilmPack, Ilford FP4.

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Ploumanac’h to be more precise :wink:

Can I suggest you look at using the Channel Mixer to lighten the red channel? The granit rose is famous for “shouting” like it is here on the foreground rocks?

I only normally scan LF negs but would be very interested if you would consider sharing the “scanned” RAW file for me to play with.

Bryce Canyon 1998 /Nikon F801 s / slide scanned and then Silver efex

Why, when I started this thread explicitly in the PhotoLab section, to share PhotoLab capabilities, do folks insist on posting images treated with Nik Collection?

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Hey Joanna. I know that you do not use the Nik collection and don’t find much value in it compared to using PhotoLab with FilmPack.

However, the Nik collection is also a DxO product which can be accessed from within PhotoLab by sending an edited and exported raw file to a Nik module and then receiving the updated Tiff or jpeg back into PhotoLab for additional editing. When used like that the Nik Collection is an integrated part of the PhotoLab workflow. I’m not sure if you specifically indicated that all black and white images must be fully processed only in PhotoLab and it’s add-ins, but even then, many people probably consider accessing the Nik collection from within PhotoLab as an add-in.

I’m afraid that if you want these black and white images to be processed only as raw files and only from within PhotoLab you’ll have to be more explicit about that than you were in your first post of this thresd. :slight_smile:



and the lighthouse of Mean Ruz (even more precise).
Is it possible to send the RAW file ? (it’s 25 Mo)

That should work

Let’s try. + the .dop of the edited RAW

5C1_3711.NEF (25,0 Mo)
5C1_3711.NEF.dop (22,7 Ko)

I don’t see any difference. Should the Channel mixer be used at the beginning of the edition, before going to FilmPack ?

Forget the channel mixer - the shot was recorded on B&W film :woozy_face:
We know it was granit rose, but the film does not remember, the silly thing!

Darn it! I thought I edited that out :rage:

With B&W Photos I’m devoted user of FilmPack :blush:

Hi my dear :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

because for me DXO/Photolab/NIK/FP/VP is a suite.

But you are correct…I will make a workout tomorrow especially for you …is Filmpack allowed?

Enjoy your day


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Playing around with split and single toning (poisonous stuff, only tried Sepia, but this I didn’t find to be the way like "in the old days (30 years ago… :older_man:)

And it helps that some railways stations are not “modernized”.


Good morning,

here is one made during a lost places tour of a old paper fabric in Blankenberg (near Arzberg)

and @JoJu …I like the third one of your set

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Thank you @Guenterm :blush:

Here 2 more from the serie :

Don’t know yet what director will want to do with them and which he will choose.
Probably web site and “announce poster” (really not sure “announce poster” is the right world in english …).