You can no longer group control points in V7?

I downloaded the trial of V7 and I am shocked that I can’t group contorl points any more. Is it because you now have a polygonal tool? It seems like it would be nice to use both.

If you hold down the Ctrl key & click on all the points you want grouped, adjustments will control that group of points.

I hadn’t noticed that until you posted but it seems you are correct. That’s a big shame. While the polygon will do most of the same things I do like being able to group multiple control points, especially if the areas being controlled are not adjacent (like sky between mountains for example). I can’t imagine why they have removed grouping, let’s hope they reinstate it! That said I still think Nik 7 is the biggest and best version since DxO took over!

Grouping control points was an essential component of my workflow. The fact that it was gone was the first thing I noticed when I launched Viveza and the feeling of remorse for having purchased Collection 7 was palpable. Wow. I hate it when designers remove favorite components from an “upgrade.” Doesn’t it occur to them to ask their clients before doing this?

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The CTRL key isn’t working for me, Additionally, the previous version allowed you to group and place the counts points in a renamable folder.

As a bare ‘minimum’ Nik 7.0.3

Enabled the ability to select multiple Local Adjustments in the preview by drawing a
selection rectangle.
