I downloaded the trial of V7 and I am shocked that I can’t group contorl points any more. Is it because you now have a polygonal tool? It seems like it would be nice to use both.
If you hold down the Ctrl key & click on all the points you want grouped, adjustments will control that group of points.
I hadn’t noticed that until you posted but it seems you are correct. That’s a big shame. While the polygon will do most of the same things I do like being able to group multiple control points, especially if the areas being controlled are not adjacent (like sky between mountains for example). I can’t imagine why they have removed grouping, let’s hope they reinstate it! That said I still think Nik 7 is the biggest and best version since DxO took over!
Grouping control points was an essential component of my workflow. The fact that it was gone was the first thing I noticed when I launched Viveza and the feeling of remorse for having purchased Collection 7 was palpable. Wow. I hate it when designers remove favorite components from an “upgrade.” Doesn’t it occur to them to ask their clients before doing this?
The CTRL key isn’t working for me, Additionally, the previous version allowed you to group and place the counts points in a renamable folder.
As a bare ‘minimum’ Nik 7.0.3
Enabled the ability to select multiple Local Adjustments in the preview by drawing a
selection rectangle.
Polygon selection is not the same as groups. The two things address different issues and have (had) different functionality. I was surprised that DXO did away with groups in version 7. I wonder if they conflicted with some of the new U point implementation, or maybe they were just not ready when version 7 was released. If the latter then maybe we’ll see them again in some future release. I just wouldn’t want to have to pay an update fee to have them reinstate a deprecated feature.
I’ve been playing around with Viveza, There is a setting in the Advanced tab of Preferences to turn on backwards compatibility for control points. If you select this then two buttons appear in the right hand panel that allow you to select “Classic” or “Advanced” (one or the other, not both). The Classic choice will use the version 6 and earlier control points (and therefore will not include polygon or luminosity control points). If you choose Classic then you can use the group functionality. So it is still there (sort of). But the group functionality is not compatible with the Advanced version 7 control points.